It's not over

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Donnie looked at Joe with the look of shear disbelief " Joe.. Man serious what are you talking about?" The look in Joe's eyes, he spoke quietly and deliberately. This was not my Joey Joe, whoever this is terrified me. "When I catch him I'm gonna kill him." Donnie and I looked back and forth at eachother neither one of us knew what to say or do. "Donnie can you give me a minute with my husband please" Donnie shot me a look to see if I was serious, with a nod all he said was "I'll be downstairs with Jenny and the kids." The door closed and it was Joe and I, alone.  I picked up the cotton ball soaking in in peroxide and went to work on the cut on his forehead, he didn't speak didn't move just stood there and stared blankly at the wall. "Joey baby.. Baby look at me please" nothing, "Joey baby please look at me, say something please!" The pleaded evident in my voice and a tear rolls out my eye. Joe reaches up and wipes it with his thumb "sweet baby""Joey.. Baby""sweetbaby are you OK""I am". I feel him grab my wrist and he pulls my into him. As my head rests against his chest I hear him softly whisper "he won't get near you again""did you say something baby""no sweetbaby nothing at all, its gonna be alright" I was totally unaware of that spaced out angry look he had came back. The look that even turned his blue eyes dark and into a person I don't recognize.

We walked downstairs to find Donnie giving the kids a snack as Jenny fed Jayden a bottle. "Hope you don't mind I gave the lil nugget a bottle he seemed hungry""no thank you Jenny""no problem I haven't got to feed a baby this small since Evan." She leans down and sniffs Jayden "and he even has the baby smell""well he is a baby Jenny ""I know that",and we both giggled. Donnie and Jenny spent the evening at the house sayin acouple times to Jenny when he didn't think I heard him that he wasn't comfortable leaving me and the kids alone. Joe on the other hand didn't speak more than ten words the entire time Jenny and Donnie we're over. He just keep staring off into space with this emotion less look on his face. I felt that knot hitch in my throat and the pit in my stomach form, it took everything in my power to keep the bile that started to rise up my throat down and push the tears back. Jenny noticed,Donnie noticed and with that being said Jenny pulls me into a corner and whispers "honey are you ok""Jenny I'm... I'm fine""are you really, because if you want you and the kids can come stay at our house the night""thank you but I'm gonna stay here with my husband""you sure you wanna do that he seems a little..  A little off""yea he is a little stressed out it will be ok he'll be fine.""you sure we have plenty of room, Evan would love it and I can get my baby fix.""Jesus Jenny it's my baby not crack cocaine you can't get a fix off of him. " we both giggled "in all seriousness I'm fine.. Were fine but thank you.""Fine but the offer still stands anytime day or night call Donnie call me and one of us will be here .""Thanks again Jenny""no problem" she walked off and headed over to Donnie. I I know I told Jenny it was fine but it was so far from fine, I was completely terrified of what the hell has happened to Joey, I don't recognize him at all and it is scaring me. I thought about if for a few before deciding to ask Donnie and Jenny to take the twins back to there house, I don't know what is going on with Joey but I don't want the twins to see him this way.

Donnie and Jenny left out with the twins at 8o'clock and here I was with my new-born baby and my husband who has had some kind of psychotic break. I walked slowly into the office were Joe was fumbling around the desk mumbling incoherently to himself, I swallowed back the knot in my throat and stepped. I softly whispered "Joey" trying my best to not startle him not knowing what may happen. He looked up at me with a dazed expression, "Sweet baby""yes, my Joey Joe.""sweetbaby...I""what are you doin baby""I..I don't know", I cautiously walk over around the desk reaching for his hand, "why don't you just come out Here with me Jaydens asleep and the twins went to stay with Donnie and Jenny"why are they there?" I had to carefully and quickly choose my words not knowing what might set him off, "oh Jenny  thought it would be fun to bring them over to play with Evan" as a forced the best smile I could. "Oh""yea why don't you come on and spend sometime with me like I said Jayden is asleep". I grabbed his hand and leaded him out the office knowing that the office is the last place he should be in, knowing that is were he keeps his 45 he got after the whole thing with Shelly.

Never Let You Go (sequel to Where do we go from here)Where stories live. Discover now