Trying to be back to normal

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I woke up the next morning to Joe carrying a tray in JJ and Victoria close behind "breakfast in bed for the best wife and mom""awe guys thank you". JJ and Victoria climbed up sitting at the foot of the bed grabbing the remote and turning on Disney Channel. "Whats this for Joey""Just want you to remember how much me appriciete you.""What you kissing up for McIntyre", he leans over a kisses me, "EEEWWWWW" both the kids screamed and I could only smile and giggle, "daddy eewww dont do that""JJ thats a way daddy shows mommy he loves her""but kissing girls is gross", Joe laughed "you wont always feel that way. Joe slid next to me on the bed and grabbed a strawberry biting it, I look over "Joe...""what"" kids present"" what Im hungry""you remember last time you did that. A smile crossed his face "Joey...reliving memories now""You can say that""My Joey Joe your a mess""whaaa". All I could do was giggle. "Mommy,Daddy what you laughing at?" Joe and I look at eachother and smile, "nothing Victoria". It wasnt long till Jayden woke up and joined in. "Sweetbaby""yea babe""you okay"""ummm yea, why you asking", Joe looks at me and mouths "last night" . "Yea Im completely fine" a smile crosses my face and I must have blushed. "Hey why you blushing""shut up Joe" he just chuckled. 

Short while later kids headed downstairs to Kay and Joe and I got ready for a PT appointment. We were on the road a hour later, pulling into Starbucks and thats when it happened in a flash Im back there and all I hear is the squeeling tires, busting glass. Tears in my eyes and my body begins to shake, I come out of the flashback quickly to Joe's arms wrapped around me and him calling me telling me to come back.  I feel my body continue to shake, "Sweetbaby what was that,what happened""I dont know, we just pulled in and my mind snapped back and suddenly I was in the accident all over again.""What part of the accident""I heard the squeeling of the tires and the busting glass and my body being tossed around." Joe unbuckled his seatbelt and mine and pulls me into his arms, "Im sorry sweetbaby""its not your fault""has this happened before". This has been happening on and off alone with the nightmares, I dont want to tell Joe he has so much on his head right now he doesnt need the added stress. "No, it hasnt Im fine, lets just go to PT""you sure baby""Yes." The rest of the drive the the physical therapists office was quite, I feel Joe grab my hand as his fingers interlace with mine and he lifts my hand to his lips kissing it, "I love you baby""love you too my Joey Joe""I love when you call me that""I know", I lean up kissing his cheek and I settle back leaning my head again to the window listening to Babyface.

We pulled up to Brookline Physical Therapy ten minutes later, Joe turns the car off and pulls my crutches from the back and pulls my car door open helping me out, "Joey I can get out the car myself""I know but the Bentley is a little cramped""I know but I got it..really". "I know you do". We headed in and once Im checked in, Brett my therapist calls me back. I know Joe hates Brett he has made no effort in hiding it. Brett was a great guy and definatly my type Blond hair, blue eyes and well build...but he isnt Joe and Joe is the only one I want now and forever. Therapy lasted a hour but much to my surprise Brett said that because of how well Im progressing I only have to do therapy once a week now instead of three. I made next weeks appointment and we headed out. Once in the car Joe says "Lunch sweetbaby""totally....Wahlburgers??""If thats what you want""it is plus I want to see Alma its been awhile.""I know it has, Im just always leary to go to Hingham""why""dont feel like running into Mark""this seriously has to end with him, I havent talked or seen him in forever""I know."We walked in and were seated quickly I forgot Paul,Mark and Donnie were all out of town opening the NYC Wahlburgers. We ordered quickly since both of us were creatures of habit we always order the same thing. "So sweetbaby I was thinking""bout""well us renewing of vows kinda got put on the back burner because of the tour and accident I think we need to set a date and plan it""honestly Baby, planning the last wedding was such a stress, Id just rather just go somewhere and do it, just you and me.""Is that what you really want no big lavash wedding""yes thats what I want.""Then lets do it""EXCUSE me what when""Now lets do it now""Joey your crazy""no Im not we can hope a plane to Vegas and do it tonight""Joey our kids""Mom's there she'll keep them""seriously""yes seriously, come on say yes""YES Joey lets do it!!" he jumped up kissing me before grabbing his phone and booking tickets.

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