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I was mostly quiet and listened to Ashton, who really was very friendly and also chirpy and really giggle-y, and he didn't seem to mind that I was too shy and too careless to talk much with him.

Ashton told me that he moved to London as soon as he finished school and that he and 3 of his best friends, who lived in another building nearby moved here to persue their dream in making music and becoming famous but they gave that dream up eventually and started to get proper jobs.

I was sat in the kitchen with Ashton for quite a while when my phone buzzed and a new message from my brother popped up on the screen.

From: Connor

Don't wait up for me, i'll be home late! Sorry ! :-(

I groaned and let my head fall to the table slowly.

"What's wrong?" Ashton asked, sounding honestly worried and I told him what my brother just texted me and Ashton offered me to stay at the flat he shared with his friend, Quinn, that night.

I shook my head but Ashton kept on telling me that it'd be no problem if I stayed and that Quinn wouldn't mind either so I took the offer eventually.

A little later, Quinn came home and I was surprised how pretty she actually was. Her hair was quite long and dyed a really bright silvery shade of blonde that almost seemed white and her clothes were awesome, the cool kids would probably describe her style something along the lines of "hipstergrunge", but I don't think that her style could be defined with any existing word.

Quinn looked at me intensely, then Ashton introduced us and told Quinn that I was staying over.

Quinn just groaned, murmured a "Great" and left to her room.

I immediately felt unwanted and insecure but Ashton grinned at me widely.

"She must like you, otherwise she would have kicked you out"

I tried to put on a smile but I think I failed a little.

Before going to bed, Ashton told me a lot about himself and I found out that he wasn't gay because he used to live at this flat with Quinn, whom he met in London and his now ex-girlfriend, who was 3 years older than him and who moved to London with him but moved back to Australia now after they broke up a few weeks ago.

Ashton gave me a pillow and a blanket and showed me the small but comfortable room that used to belong to his ex and went to his room to get some sleep aswell.


When i got up the next morning, I didn't bother to put my jeans back on since I only slept in my underwear and the oversized band shirt of a band I had never heard of which I stole from my brother's closet the day before.

I heard noises and expected those to be Ashton and Quinn conversating but when I opened the bedroom door I faced a really tall blonde guy and a only slightly less tall black haired dude with a blue streak in the front of his hair, who both were looking at me surprised.


I think this chapter is a little longer than the first one...or? Idk whateverrr:)

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Thank you, ya'll are rad and I love you. Xx

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