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I woke up late the next day and it took some time for me to realize that I had slept on the couch in Ashton's living room.

Luckily I wasn't suffering from headache or anything, I was just still feeling really tired.

I didn't see anybody around so I decided to search for somebody.

I knocked on Quinn's door and she said:"Come in"

Quinn's room was gorgeous, her walls were painted a dark green - almost black colour but the ton of photos and lots of strings of lights made the room brighten up and look really cozy.

Quinn was currently snuggeled up in her bed with her laptop and she seemed a little grumpy about me bothering her, so I just quickly asked:"Where are the boys?"

Quinn shrugged and said:"Luke is still sleeping, Michael and Calum are at their flat and Ashton is having a shower."

I nodded quietly and gave Quinn a small smile as I thanked her for the information and backed out of her room.

"Morning" Luke said and stretched his arms as I entered the living room.

He probably just got up and he was still in nothing but boxers, which I didn't mind since his body was a nice view.

I nodded shyly and Luke asked me if I slept well.

I nodded again and Luke started laughing a little.

"I know that you can talk, don't act like you can't"

I blushed a little. "Sorry"

"You're really shy, huh?" Luke asked and I nodded again, even though it wasn't only my shyness that kept me from talking much, I just didn't really like to talk that much and it took me a while to trust people and feel comfortable around them.

"Kinda" I smiled a little and Luke giggled.

Apparently australian boys all giggle.

A bit later, Ashton came back and I didn't mean to bother him or Quinn even more so I said my goodbyes and went home.

It was quiet in Connor's flat and I already felt the fesr creeping on to me so I just took a quick shower and went outside so that I wasn't at home alone all day.

I was headed to this small italian café a few blocks from our house that I loved, other than 99% of the white teenage girl population I absolutely hated Starbucks even though I pretended to like it back home, just to fit in.

Damn I did a lot to fit in back then. I just ordered the usual, a plain black coffee that I just put some honey in to sweeten it up a little.

I just sat down in the little edge at the back of the café when I saw Luke entering the small shop.

He smiled at me and said:"Hey, I've seen you from outside and thought i'd give you some company"

I smiled a little and Luke suddenly seemed a little insecure. "I can leave if you want me to?"

I chuckled slightly and told him to stay, so he got some coffee for himself and sat down in front of me.

"So, why are you here and not at home?" Luke asked, smiling at me politely.

I thought of lies to tell him, but I was a really honest person and I couldn't stand lies so I just told him the truth.

"I'm afraid of being alone"

"Is there a reason for that?"

"I guess there's a reason behind every fear"

Luke seemed to think about it for a while, then he nodded.

"I'm afraid of falling asleep"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

"Because waking up can be the most horrible thing."


alrightio, i've got a few chapters prewritten so let's all hope that i'm not too lazy to update because if i'm not, i'll try updating every 3/4 days so ya'll don't have to wait that long for an update!

please help me to get this story more popular and instagram, tumblr and tweet about it ❤️

thank you, i hope you have a lovely day :)

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