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I furrowed my eyebrows and coughed awkwardly as Michael greeted us shortly and left to his room again as Quinn just stood in the doorframe and waved at us.

"Wait - are they dating or something?" I asked Calum confused and he just shrugged.

"Nobody really knows. They're not even real friends, Quinn doesn't really like any of us, she doesn't even want Michael to come over to her's, but she's over here a lot. I think she's playing with Michael."

"Oh" I said, I felt really bad for Michael.

"Don't worry, Michael is a clever boy, I don't think he's in love with her either"

I nodded slowly and made an understanding noise as there was a noise at the door and Luke came in, carelessly throwing his jacket on the floor and kicking off his worn off vans.

He turned around so that he saw Calum and me and smiled at us immediately.

"Hey Faye, long time no see" he chuckled and walked up to me to hug me.

I had to reach up to him and stand on my tip toes to actually be able to wrap my arms around him and he just lifted me up a little and spun me around, which made me laugh slightly.

Luke let me down and also greeted Calum with a huge hug.

"Where's Mike?" Luke asked and Calum pointed to Michael's room.

"With Quinn" Calum said and Luke nodded understandingly.

As if Michael heard him, the door to his room opened and Michael came out of the room, followed by a bored looking Quinn.

"Lukey baby" Michael exclaimed and hugged the tall boy as Luke tried to look disgusted but from his face you could tell that he actually adored the colorful haired boy.

"Made some progress?" Michael whispered in Luke's ear a little too loud and Luke shot him a glare and hit him in the chest slightly but nodded eagerly.

I wasn't able to question what Luke made progress in because Quinn actually came over to me and asked if she could give me a ride.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "It's just a minute walk to our complex"

"Quinn is just proud because she's legal now and can finally drive by herself" Calum chuckled a little and Quinn looked at him unamused and turned back to me.

"I could also show you around in London a little, you just moved here, I don't think you've seen the cool places yet."

Quinn really seemed as if she wanted to spend time with me so I agreed on driving around a little and just as we left, Luke walked up to me and gave me a small piece of paper.

"We still need to set a date for our movie night" Luke smirked and I smiled up at him a little.

"I'll text you" I promised as I checked that what Luke gave me really was his phone number.

Luke gave me one last smile and then Quinn and I went downstairs and got into her old black car.

Quinn's car smelled like cigarettes and fast food, a smell that almost made me puke but I tried to keep a straight face as Quinn pulled out of the parking spot.

Quinn didn't talk a word which made me really uncomfortable, usually people always spoke a lot around me because I was so quiet.

I took all my strength and actually tried to start a conversation.

"Where are we going?"

Quinn ended the conversation quickly.

"You'll see"


We drove for a good 10 minutes and I didn't bother trying to talk to her again until she parked the car.

I got out of her car and was more than happy to finally be able to breathe in fresh air again. I looked around and noticed that we were in a chic area which was full of grey shiny skyscrapers and we were standing right infront of a tall one.

It wasn't as late yet but the skyscraper, which functioned as a shopping center was closed already.

Quinn walked around the building to a back entrance which she had a key to and I followed her quietly but as she started walking up the stairs in the back of the building I started having some doubts.

"Isn't this illegal?"

Quinn shook her head. "I got a key, right?"

I nodded slightly even though she couldn't see it but I still had a weird feeling in my stomach as we continued to walk up the stairs until we reached the rooftop.

Quinn sighed happily once we reached the top and let the wind brush through her hair.

"I love this place"

I looked around and soaked up the breathtaking view, London seemed so small from up here and all the lights in the dim evening light made everything look so peaceful.

"I just love the quietness and peace you feel up here" Quinn said and sat down near the edge of the roof, which wasn't secured by anything as people weren't supposed to be up here.

Even though I got a bit scared of the edge I sat down besides Quinn, who started fiddeling with the hem of her oversized jeans jacket and suddenly seemed really insecure as she turned to me and said:"Faye, I don't have any girlfriends and I don't remember the last time I had a real girl talk but there's something I don't want to tell Ashton, who's actually the only person I really like."

I nodded, I actually felt honored that Quinn wanted to talk to me so I just smiled at her a little and implied that i'd listen to her.

"See, there's this guy. We've been having this thing for a few weeks where we'd make out and fuck and stuff but we're not dating and I thought I didn't have feelings for him and um- this is awkward" Quinn started laughing a little and I joined in on te laughter quietly to make her feel less awkward.

"Well anyways, since a few days it's different." Quinn looked at me as if i was supposed to say something.

"Maybe you're catching feelings?" I asked, shrugging.

"But he's gross and weird and he's such a nerd" Quinn sighed and I laughed a little.

"Have you talked to him?"

Quinn sighed again. "I tried to, today but I didn't have the guts to. I don't think he'd want to be in a "real" relationship anyways."

"Mhm" I said and suddenly I got a clue who she was talking about. "Wait, are you talking about Michael?"

Suddenly Quinn got up and glared at me.

"Does that matter? Are you one of those gossipers or why do you even wanna know who I'm talking about?"

I jumped a little in shock and murmured a quiet:"I just think it would be cute"

"Cute" Quinn groaned. "Just drop it. I shouldn't even have talked to you about this"

Damn, Quinn could be really hurtful, why did she have to freak out just because I asked her if she was having a crush on Michael?


The drive home was even more quiet than the way to the building and there was such an awkward mood between Quinn and me so I was really glad when we reached our house.

"I'm really sorry" I tried to apologize for whatever I did again and Quinn just shrugged.

"Forget it, Faye"

That's what I tried to do as I was alone in Connor's apartment, trying to sleep while listening to music on full volume to make the silence a little more bearable.


What do you think, would you ship miquinn? :D

Thanks for reading ❤️

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