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I didn't want to bother Luke so I just smiled a little and dropped the subject, so that an awkward silence filled the space. After a few seconds Luke asked:"Why are you afraid of being alone though?"

I thought about telling Luke th truth but I hated talking about the most terrible thing that happened to me, so I just shrugged and honestly said:"I don't like talking about it"

Luke seemed to understand, he just gave me a smile and nodded, the he asked if he could walk me home and I took his offer even though I still didn't want to go home.

Luke and I ended up walking around the block for quite a while and I got to know him a lot better and as we said our goodbyes I sighed deeply because I knew that I now had to spend the whole night at the flat on my own and Luke seemed to notice how uncomfortable that made me because he offered to sleep over.

I thought about it for a while, I didn't really know Luke that much yet and I really wondered why he even bothered trying to befriend me but I actually was more than glad that he offered to stay and so I asked him to do so if it really didn't bother him.

I led Luke up to my apartment and we decided to watch a movie.


I woke up early in the morning with a sore back and arm because I slept in a really weird angle. I glanced to my right and saw Luke lying next to me, both uf us fell asleep while watching "Bad teacher", a rather boring film starring Cameron Diaz.

Luke wasn't up yet so I figured I'd make some breakfast since he was nice enough to spend his saturday evening and night with me, so that was the least I could do for him.

I wasn't the greatest cook but I was able to make decent eggs, bacon and toast and some nice coffee.

Luke walked into the living room with messy hair and still looking tired just as the coffee was ready.

He looked at the table and put on an impressed face.

"Wow, you did all of that for me?" Luke asked surprised and I blushed a little, nodding.

"I wanted to thank you for staying over tonight"

Luke smiled and said:"No worries, it was fun" and then he sat down and both of us started eating in silence.

Luke was even nice enough to help me to put away the dishes and clean up as we were done eating and he told me that he'd have to leave at 2 but that we could still spend time until then if I wanted to and obviously I did.

Suddenly Luke started to chuckle and said:"I just noticed that I told you my whole lifestory and I don't even know your middle name yet."

I shrugged. "Don't have one"

I wasn't a good liar and I didn't even try to convince Luke as I really hated lies, so Luke didn't believe me for a second.

"Is it Margret?"

"No" I laughed and sighed. "Arwen"

"Faye Arwen" Luke said. "That's such a beautiful name."

I shrugged and Luke asked:"Arwen as the one in The Lord of the rings?"

I nodded. "My mum was obsessed with those books and films and she loved unique names."

"Was and loved?" Luke asked surprised.

"She died."

"I'm sorry" Luke said and he genuinely seemed to be.

I shook my head:"No need to be, it's been 14 years. I don't even remember them."

Luke looked at me a little surprised and I wanted to avoid questions about my parents because I didn't have any memories of them so I didn't really miss them as I hadn't genuinely known them and that made me seem so cold hearted so I quickly said:"Car crash"

Luke nodded understandingly and changed the topic.

"What about you? Do you like "The Lord of the rings?""

I shook my head slightly. "Never watched or read it"

Luke's eyes widened. "You have been named after a character from those iconic movies and you haven't even watched a single one of them?

"Nope" I said, popping the p.

"We need to do that sometimes" Luke said, smiling a little.

I agreed "Alright"

Luke chuckled a bit.

"It's a date"

I blushed and nodded quickly as I excused myself to the bathroom, did Luke mean what he said and wanted to actually have like a proper date with me?

I had to admit that I liked him, he was nice, funny and also goodlooking, what was not to like about him?

When I got back from the bathroom, Luke was about to leave but before he did, he hugged me tightly and asked:"Are you sure it's alright if I leave?"

I smiled. "Yes. Thanks for everything again"

I quickly kissed Luke's cheek and he turned a little red before backing off and giving me one last wave before disappearing down the staircase.


After Luke left I actually managed to stay at the apartment alone for a little while but then I got to anxious so I left and sat down in the nearby park as I plugged in my earphones and read one of my favourite books "the perks of being a wallflower" over again.

I was totally lost in the book as somebody grabbed my shoulders and made me scream high pitched and jump in shock.

I turned around, ready to shout at the molester but as I looked around I faced a really guitly looking Calum, so I just released a breath I was holding loudly and said:"Damn, you frightened me"

Calum pulled a grimace:"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you"

I chuckled a little, Calum genuinely seemed to be really sorry so I decided to just forgive him like that.

Calum sat down besides me and we talked a little until he offered to show me where he, Michael and Luke lived and since I really didn't have anything better to do, I followed him to the small flat the three of them shared which was basically just down the road from the house I lived in.

Tha apartment was quite messy which wasn't a surprise since 3 teenage boys lived in it, but it was still quite nice.

Calum and I sat down in the living room and chit chatted a little and soon Michael came out of his room to get some food and to my surprise he wasn't alone - Quinn was with him.


I promised to update this often and look at me updating again already ;)

Hope you liked this chapter!

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