Chapter 5 -Some Trouble-

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***Emris POV***  A Few Days Later

"Hey look who's coming over!" Liana whispered excitedly. We were at dinner and I looked around before I saw who she was talking about. Kian was walking over, and Michael was with James and a few people who probably were his friends. "Oh my gods Emris don't be too gay but be gay. Maybe he'll hint to something." 

"What the heck is that even supposed to mean?" Yuuna asked Liana, and I felt Anne elbow me. 

"Say something welcoming because the rest of us are awkward beans." She said, before taking his dinner roll. 

"Seriously guys what do you mean by-" I was cut off. 

"Hey," I heard someone say behind me. I already knew it was Kian but I turned around anyways. He looked a bit upset but he smiled a little when Wren almost fell backwards because he tried to steal Liana's brownie. "Can I join you guys? I nodded. 

"Yeah, anytime." I scooted over on the bench so Kian could sit next to me. "Why's Michael not with you?" Kian poked at his food for a good minute before answering. 

"I'm coming back today. I'm not rooming with Michael." Kian said. "He's changed." 

"Changed, what?" I asked, then I mentally slapped myself. "Never mind, I didn't mean to pry." Kian nodded, poking at his food. 

"You seem down." Liana said. "But you couldn't possibly be because you have us!" She struck a ridiculously dramatic pose and Kian laughed a little before looking back at his plate. I looked at him, concerned. He had been distant now that I thought back through the past few days he was rooming with Michael. 

* * * TIME SKIP * * *

"You don't seem okay, do you wanna maybe talk?" I asked Kian before lights out. It was a surprisingly cold night and I had forgotten to pack a warmer pajama. I was wearing pajama shorts and a t-shirt and I felt cold. Kian was curled up in his blanket, staring blankly at the dorm wall. I went over and nudged his leg. Kian scooted over and I took a seat next to him. "Would you like to talk about it?" 

Kian rolled over so he was facing me. He looked up at me and I could see that he was debating between something. He finally sat up and then scooted over next to me, putting half of the blanket over my shoulders. I was surprised, but gladly accepted it. I saw that his glasses were dirty, so I took them and cleaned them. I then put them back on his face and for a second I thought I saw a slight shade of pink. 

"So what's going on? I thought you enjoyed hanging out with Michael." 

"Before he changed," Kian said. I was surprised to hear how bitter his voice was considering how Kian seemed to be quite a mellow person. "He's different from the Michael that I had been friends with. But I guess the people you hang out with affect that."

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Aren't his friends okay? They seem nice." 

"Key word, seem." Kian said. "Once you hang out with them for a while they'll start being jerks. They're terrible." Suddenly I sneezed, and Kian jumped, losing his balance. I grabbed his arm and then pulled him back, and Kian winced. Part of his pajama shirt, which was a few sizes too big had slipped when he had fell, revealing his part of his shoulder. 

A few light purple bruises were on his shoulder. Kian quickly fixed his shirt and looked embarrassed at the ground. "What happened?" I asked.

"It's fine, I just kept bumping into one of the corners of the doorframe." Kian said. 

"You can't get bruises on the back of your shoulder from doorways unless someone pushed you or something." I said, concern starting to grow even more. 

"It's nothing." He said. 

"It's not." 

A/N: Hello! I have a feeling you've already figured out what happened so idk what else to say. They're so cute. 


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