Chapter 2 -6:30 in the Pancake Flipping Morning-

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***Kian POV***

"Wake up Kian." I heard someone say. "It's the first day today and we shouldn't be late." It was Emris, standing next to my bed in his pajamas. I sighed, rolling over and squinting at the clock that was about to fall off of my desk. After a while of trying to get my vision to focus I concluded it was around 6:30 in the morning.

"Why did you wake me up so early?" I asked. "Are you a morning person?" I tried to blink the sleep from my eyes and I heard Emris laugh quietly. 

"No. I juts think that it would be a good thing to wake up early so we wouldn't accidentally be late." I sighed. 

"Dude, 6:30 in the pancake flipping morning is going to affect our wills to live." I mumbled, hiding under my blankets. 

"You're acting like a five year old." Emris said. "And, I made my bed already and don't feel like unmaking it so can I lay down with you?" I looked at him surprised. 

"I'm the one that's acting like a five year old?" I sighed, but then scooted over so Emris could lie down next to me. He got under the blankets and settled down next to me. I felt my cheeks turn kinda pink when Emris put his arm over my side. 

"Is this okay? I don't have my pillow with me." He said. I was too tired to say anything so I just drifted to sleep. 

 * * * TIME SKIP * * * 

"Where the heck were you?" Michael asked me at lunch. "You didn't show up until like, 10 with that other kid."

"We didn't hear our alarm and overslept." I said. "It wasn't a big deal since someone actually came to wake us up. It was Mr. Penniwise, and you know how sarcastic he is."

I thought back to how things unfolded. I must have let Emris sleep on the bed earlier with me since when we woke up it was to Mr. Penniwise's "You two better have not slept with each other" lecture which we both got embarrassed about. I remember Emris' arm still being at my waist after Mr. Penniwise left. We got ready and then went out for the orientation that we had missed roughly half of. Then we were let out to lunch. 

Emris was with his sister and a few of their friends, sitting a few tables away from Michael and I. "Seriously dude what's going on? You're like spacing out and stuff." I heard Michael say. 

"I'm just tired, I didn't go to bed until late last night since Mom lost track of time when she was talking to me and being Mom." I said, thinking back to our conversation. Mostly settling in and talking about my room mate, Emris. Mom apparently knew his mom from college and had said she would talk to her later. 

"Are you sure? No making out with your room mate?" Michael asked, a slightly sarcastic tone to his voice. 

"I told you I'm not gay," I said. "I'm fine. You're just upset about not being my room mate." 

"At this rate I think that being room mates with James isn't that bad compared to your constant nagging. And you're gay bro."

"I'm not," I said. "And you leave your stuff everywhere, and I mean everywhere. I had tripped over it at least once a day when we were on the trip to New York." I said. "Hairbrush here, backpack there, piles of random things, I'm surprised you had everything when you got back." We both laughed at the memories of that trip for the rest of lunch, since Michael had become a close friend of mine during that trip. 

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and I turned around. 

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