Chapter 7 -Gotcha-

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***Kian POV***

Everything had gone by in a blur. One minute I was getting some water and the next I was being pulled by Michael to the woods. Then his friends came and I had only noticed I didn't have my jacket when I felt my aching back press against the cold boulder. I felt my cuts from running almost blindly through the bushes sting. 

I fixed my glasses, not knowing how I could get out of this situation. I had seen Michael bully other kids who had come out, and it was brutal. I guess I shown have known to be prepared for something like this. But from knowing Michael for a few years, I could see when he was uneasy. Just like he was now. 

"So are you going to confess something or are they going to pull it from you?" Michael asked. "Admit it, you like that kid that you're rooming with.  

"Michael this is stupid, you don't have to do this," I said, wishing I could melt into the rock and run out the other side as his friends started closing in. Suddenly I heard two yells and two pairs of running feet. I looked and saw that two of Michael's friends were running, and I caught a glimpse of the tip of a black ponytail and a flash of familiar toffee hair. The third person on the left had faced the person who had made two people run, and I realized it was Yuuna. Then I was pulled out of the way by familiar cold hands as one of Michael's friends fell forward, almost face planting into the dirt before running away, his friend following soon after. 

"Crap," I heard Michael say. "I'm not done with you yet traitor." Michael shoved me to the side and then followed his friends. I watched him run, mixed emotions starting to tumble around now that things were somewhat calm. He couldn't even talk to me the way we used to, not without his entourage anymore. 

"That's right run away coward!" Yuuna shouted before stepping forward and hugging me. "Thanks gods that you're safe, I thought that Michael would hurt you really badly." She whispered into my ear, and I hugged her back. 

Emris stood behind her, his brown eyes filled with worry. "You're okay," He said, stepping forward and hugging me. "I'm coming with you from now on whether you like it or not." 

I smiled into his shoulder before he pulled away. "Thank you," I said. "For coming, but now Michael's going to have it coming for you guys too."

"I can judo flip him when I'm asleep," Yuuna said, straightening her sweater. "I bet those goofs are pretty upset that a girl judo flipped them. Especially a girl in a pastel rainbow sweater." She grinned and then started to make her way back to the campfire. 

"Let's go with her," Emris said. Then he paused. "Oh, here," He said as he handed me my jacket. I smiled a little and slipped it on. "Yuuna and I found it earlier." 

"Thanks." I said, grateful for the sleeves to hide the scratches and a few of the bruises so we could avoid suspicion. The warmth was an added bonus. 

* * * TIME SKIP * * *

"So you fell and cut your cheek and scraped your arm up when you tripped at the bonfire?" asked the camp nurse, cleaning the cuts with rubbing alcohol. I nodded and winced when she cleaned the one on my face. "Please be more careful alright?" She said. "Take this and use it once a day, your scrapes should heal up nicely soon. You seem like a fast healer." I nodded, taking the small container from her. I thanked her and then went back to the dorm. 

It was after lunch, so we had free time until later in the evening, when the staff had another thing planned. I walked up the stairs slowly, feeling tired. We hadn't gone back to the camp until close to midnight because nobody had wanted to leave. Thus the camp was pretty sleepy today, most of the people only coming out for food and a little talk. 

I finally got to the door, about to open it when I heard Emris talking to someone. I then heard the last line of the conversation. "He's in the hospital, but we don't know how he's doing." I stepped back from the door, not wanting to intrude on whatever could possibly be going on in there with Emris. I decided I would go find where Wren was, since Liana, Anne, and Yuuna were all apparently asleep even though it was almost mid afternoon. 

A/N: Hi! I'm sorry that it was a kinda flop chapter. I'm going to make it up to you, I promise. Writers always keep their promises. 


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