Chapter 6 -In the Woods-

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***Emris POV***

"Come on and sing everyone!" I heard one of the staff members say before starting to play a song on their guitar. Kian was sitting with us, but he kept looking back at where Michael and his friends were standing, across the bonfire from us. 

We sang a few songs while some more of the staff went around handing our snacks and drinks as we all hung out by the bonfire. We were a few miles from the camp, staying for a few hours in the clearing with the bonfire pit. Kian's face was colored gold from the light thrown around by the fire and it glinted off his glasses. His hand was near mine, 

"I'm going to go get some water, do you want some?" I heard Kian say. I shrugged. 

"Do you want me to come with you?" Kian shook his head. 

"I'm fine, thanks. I'll be back soon." Kian said before walking away towards one of the tables. I nodded, and then turned back to face the rest of my friends. They were all looking giving me the same smirk.

"Go away you guys," I said. "Seriously at this rate he'll know something's up." Liana and Anne grinned. Wren was staring off into space with Yuuna.

"Since you're so nervous all the time maybe it'll be good if he makes the first move." Anne said, and I elbowed her. Liana laughed and then Anne pushed her off the log bench we were sitting on. 

"Dude really?" Liana said, glaring at Anne for a split second before she paused and then Wren spoke. 

"Where's Kian going?" Wren asked, and I looked around. I spotted Kian, walking into the woods. With Michael. I tried to see where Kian was gong but then suddenly a bunch of people jumped up and started to sing ninety nine s'mores. I stood up, trying to see over everyone who was jumping around and singing. 

"I'm going to go make sure he's okay." I said, worry starting to build. 

"I'll come with you," Yuuna said. I hesitated but then she started walking. Granted, Yuuna had taken multiple years of martial arts so I figured she'd be alright. Plus having some surprise would be nice. I remembered the first time I had scared Yuuna and she judo-flipped me. From that day on I made she she knew I was there so the judo flip wouldn't happen again. 

"Why are you taking so long? Don't you want to go find him?" Yuuna asked impatiently. I quickly walked with her to where we had seen Kian walking. I saw where the bushes had been a bit squashed and then I went with Yuuna into the woods. 

We pushed our way through some low hanging branches and thick bushes. Yuuna and I lost the trail for a few minutes but then found it again, continuing following the path of squashed leaves and snapped twigs. I suddenly wished that we had brought some more of the group with us because there seemed to be a lot more people than just Michael and Kian. 

Suddenly Yuuna pulled me to a stop and motioned for me to look to my left. I then saw Kian's jacket that was thrown to the side near a boulder, lying on the dirt. I picked it up and brushed it off before tying it around my waist. I then heard voices. 

I pulled Yuuna behind one of the many trees nearby and I heard Michael's voice. 

"You have something for him, don't you?" I peeked around the tree and saw Michael and his friends. They formed a semi circle in front of the boulder, which Kian's back was pressed against. 

"You can't even talk to me now without your entourage?" Kian said, his voice shaking slightly. His glasses were crooked and there were leaves in his hair. Michael frowned,  I saw a cut across his cheek and a few scratches along his arm. "Michael, I'm still me, there's no need for this," He said, gesturing around. 

"I can't believe that somehow you disgusting gay became a friend of mine." Michael said, slowly stepping closer to Kian. "You deceived me." 

"I didn't do that. All I said was that I was bi the other day. We were friends for years and less than a week ago when I told you, why does me being bi have to change that?" Kian asked, looking around. I ducked back behind the tree. 

"Yuuna we need to stop them," I whispered. She nodded. 

"I'll take the three on the right, and you take the two on the left. Michael's probably going to leave once a few of his friends run away." Yuuna said. "I can judo flip right?" 

"Sure. Don't injure them too badly, just enough to make them run." Yuuna nodded. She slipped off between the trees, barely making a sound. 

I looked back around the tree, debating about how to do it. I saw Yuuna slowly make her way behind two of the three on her side. I slowly stepped out too, trying to stay out of view. 

A/N: Heyo! I am sorry about Michael's language, I love being part of the LGBTQ+ community and I support everyone who's in it, it's just that Michael's homophobic and poor baby can't help it since his parents had raised him like that. I know, again I don't like even thinking about a conversation like this because it's heartbreaking but writing duty calls. I have plans though, so heads up for that. Bye! 


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