♤♡Chapter four♡♤

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(I'm in love with the pic above^)

Sam's p.o.v
Colby and I are still in the hospital, 9:30. He hasn't left my side since he came here, he's been making me laugh. He's really good at making people feel better.

He would make a good boyfriend, to any girl out there. "So, do you like anyone?" Colby asks for his 18th question. Yes, we're playing 20 questions. "Oh- um.." I look over at him. "Yeah.." I say smiling. He smiles back. "Who is it?" He asks getting closer, as if he was a little kid engaged into a story.

"Im..gay" I blurt out, about to cry from embarrassment. He smiles at me and grabs my right hand, once again. "Its okay, I'm not going to judge you, besides, I'm gay too, so it doesn't bother me" he Says smiling even brighter. I smile back. "Thanks" I say. He nods. "Anytime."

"By the way.." I start, making him 'hm' at me. "You have my notebook still, right?" I ask, nervous that he threw it away or gave it to the other bullies. "Yeah, I've been reading it.." He sighs. "Sorry I took it, I'll return it tomorrow" he says smiling at me.  I nod. "Thanks, and I don't mind you reading it.." I say smiling. He smiles.

"Thanks, you just seem like a really interesting person and I want to get to know you better..." I smile at him.

"Me too" I say, yawning. "I'll let you get some rest, I'll be over there.." He says pointing to a couch. I nod. "Okay, goodnight" he smiles at me. "Goodnight, sweetheart."

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