♤♡Chapter twenty♡♤

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Sam's p.o.v
Just like I said before, Colby keeps me sane. I won't survive without him. I sigh into the cold air, walking to school.

I haven't really realized how beautiful nature is. It reminds me of Colby. I will go insane with out him. He's my drug.

I don't do drugs, but he drives me insane, in a good way.

He doesn't notice it, but on the inside, I'm very broken.

That's why I'm obsessed with him.

I wouldn't want to snap on him would I?

It's all the people around. The people who call me worthless every single day of my life. Colby is my favorite person I've come across in a while.

I never had been in a real relationship, not with a girlfriend, but with people in general. I'm just not the one I guess.

I never really had friends growing up. They would be people just using me. And, it honestly made sense.

Who would want to hang out with a loser like me?

Loser, worthless, ugly duckling , weird kid, loner.

The insults thrown my way every single day.

And, why did Colby have to hurt me? I thought my life was doing better, but...i guess not.

I feel like cutting.

Cutting all my problems away.

I've never done it before, but there's a first time for everything, right?

I'm lucky I'm at school, because if I were at home, and I got these thoughts, i would probably cut until there's no room on my arms.

At school, I get to see Colby.

Even though I'm 'mad' at him, just looking at him calms me down, even in the toughest mood.

I can't have a relationship with him, I just can't. I'm worried I'll hurt him.

I'm a horrible person, at least that's what I hear.

Sadness is my favorite emotion.

Maybe if I changed the way I was, dressed, or looked...i would get liked. I mean, I wear a black sweater with black clothing always.

It helps me blend in with the blandness around me.

I don't like getting noticed.

It makes me feel violated and scared.

My biggest fear is getting noticed..everything else is just a phase.

I'm not even scared of death.

Everyday I mourn death. I don't feel sorrow for myself, but the people around me. I care for others, but not always.

I love Colby, I do. But, i know he wouldn't care if I died..i mean hes
a bully.

I walk into the busy halls of my school receiving looks from people, not surprised, but when I go to my locker, I find a note, everyone crowding around. I push the people out of my way, not caring.

I grab the note harshly off my locker and read it.

Hey loser,
Just wanted to drop by and tell you Colby will never like you back. Don't get your hopes up fella. Maybe if you were actually liked by people and not a loner, people would like you, along with Colby. I'm a male, he's a male, your a male..its wrong. Once again, don't get your hopes up, sunny boy.
Yours truly,

I feel my eyes tear up. Why? I never did anything to anyone. I crumble the peice of paper, throwing it away.

Colbys p.o.v
I see sam crying, throwing a peice of paper away while people are laughing. I go over to the trash can, digging it out. I skim through it, looking for a name. And to my luck, I found it. Brennen.

Where is this peice of shit?

I walk down the hall, seeing Brennen getting his stuff, smirking. I go up behind him, pinning him with my non-broken hand.

"WHY?" I yell in his face. "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO RUSH IT YOU PIECE OF SH*T! NOW HE HATES ME!" I punch him in the nose, walking away afterwards.

My life sucks.

Sam hates me.

Sam, the innocent poor boy, hates me. Speaking of Sam, where is he?

I walk into the bathroom, seeing Sam looking at himself in the mirror holding a razor. Luckily, no cuts. "Sam no!" I snatch the razor blade out of his hands. He looks at me with wide eyes, crying. I drop the stupid razor onto the floor, pulling him into a hug. He tightly hugs back with no hesitation.

He sobs into my shoulder, not letting me go. "Why sweetheart? Why?" I ask, crying now, too.

He shakes his head. "Theres no point in living if everyone hates you" he replies, hugging me even tighter.

I play with his hair. "Your staying with me for now" I say, straight towards. "What?" He asks, looking me straight in the face. "You heard me, your not safe at home." I reply, again.

He sighs. "Okay"

I smile at him. He smiles back. We lean in closer, but the bell interrupts us. We start laughing hysterically, walking to class together, not caring if anyone saw.

I hope he isn't still mad at me.

He's my sweetheart and always will be. No one else gets him, just me.

I need to protect him.

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