♤♡Chapter eight♡♤

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(One of my favorite songs^)
Sam's p.o.v
Once Colby drives me to his house, we are greeted by a woman who I am assuming is his mom. She smiles brightly at me. "I heard about what happened..how are you feeling?" She asks putting a hand on my shoulder. "I'm feeling better, thanks"I smile at her and she returns the gesture and walks into the kitchen.

"C'mon sam" Colby leads me into a bedroom pull of posters and video Games. "Sorry for the mess" he says scratching the back of his neck. "Its okay" I smile at him and sit on his bed. "Wanna play a game?" He asks gesturing to his ps4. "Sure, what do you have?" I ask, scanning around the stack of games. "Well, I have fortnite downloaded..wanna Play that?" He asks turning on his ps4. "Sure, but I'm not that good" I say, chuckling. "That's alright, I'm not either, we can be bad together" he smiles and squeezes my hand gently before letting go. I smile shyly at him and we begin to play.

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