♤♡Chapter Twenty~Three♡♤

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Sam's p.o.v
Me and Colby walk into school again, receiving looks. But, less than usual. What's going on?

More smiles and whispers get thrown at us. What changed?

We notice a few people wearing odd colors, we wouldn't expect before.

Some boys wore a light blue color, while others wore pink.

This is weird.

The girls, they are dressed normal. They just inspect Colby more than me.

I never knew why girls liked Colby so much. I mean yeah, he's handsome, but he's just a dude, right?

It's not like he is my savior.

What am I saying? He is my savior. He helped me through the tough times. He took me away from my hateful family.

He took all the badness away.

He's the sun drying up my tears.

Colbys p.o.v
I walk to my locker, Brennen walking up to me. "What?" I ask, getting my books from my locker. He sighs. "Sorry" he mumbles, tapping his shoe on the floor.

"No youre not" I reply, walking passed him. "Youre right! I was just trying to be nice!" He yells back, making me roll my eyes.

I walk into class, sitting in my usual seat in the back, waiting for Sam.

A few moments later, I see the blonde beauty walk in. Yes, I called him a blonde beauty. Deal with it.

He smiles softly at me and sits down, beside me.

I pat his leg under the table, making him squeeze his eyes shut.  "You alright there?" I ask, trying my hardest not to laugh. He groans. "Youre such a tease!" He giggles, slapping my hand away.

And I just smile. I smile at his beautiful smile.

He is a walking beauty. He may be broken, but he's my happiness.

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