♤♡Chapter fifteen♡♤

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Colbys p.o.v
I yell out in frustration and punch the nearest wall. I slide down onto the floor pulling my hair harshly crying tears of regret. I notice my hand bleeding but I couldn't care less.  I stand up and walk back into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror.

What have I done? I made the love of my life hate me. He'll never forgive me.

Why did I have to get bribed into hurting him? Why did it take money? Does that mean I care more about money than I care for Sam?

I arrive at the cafeteria, my hand still bleeding only covered up with toilet paper. I get stares from people as I walk by. I sigh and sit at a table alone. I want to be left alone right now, the last  thing I need is for someone to mess with me while I'm still frustrated.

Speaking of people bothering me, I get a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and get even more mad once I see it's Brennen. "What the fuck do u want?" I ask In annoyance. He laughs. "Nice job! You made the loser cry!" He says, crying from laughing so hard. I stand up slowly and punch him straight in the jaw, him returning a shocked expression.

He punches me in the nose, making it bleed immediately. Teachers quickly rush over and seperate us. I try wiggling out of his grip but I don't succeed, blood running down my chin. "FUCK YOU!" I yell at Brennen, while the teacher takes me into the hall.

He gives me a look of disappointment. "Why?" Is all he asks, shaking his head.  I sigh, wiping the blood that keeps coming. "He was talking bad about my boy- my friend." I say, looking at the floor, blood dripping onto it. He sighs and walks away, grabbing Brennen. My wrist is probably broken by now. I can't move it.

Brennen comes out with his hand on his jaw, with an irritated look. I roll my eyes at him and walk away with out an apology.

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