Chapter 34- Hero Hunt

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"He's in there then?"

A girl stood in front of the Dungeon next a masked man. She looked up and down the walls that made this mountain-like landscape, investigating to see if it was working properly.

"It is like you say. I had the King summon him and sent him to this Dungeon like the rest of the adventurers before him. Pardon me to ask, but did the God of Calamity truly sent you?"

The girl looked back at the masked man with two piercing crimson eyes. Although his face was covered with the mask you could tell he shrugged down in fear from being looked at in such manner.

"Not exactly, this is a favor to Hexalus. I would have sent someone else to handle this situation but this Kami guy...I never heard of him before. I know all the Heroes in history and he is not going to be one of them. Therefore, who is he really?" the girl pondered.

The masked man looked anxiously at the girl as she continued her train of thought.

"I'm not quite sure what you mean" replied the masked man.

"Forget it. Just return to the city and stop sending adventurers into this Dungeon. We should have enough adventurers from this branch of Tyr for a good while. Generous of Yotsune to have sent one of his minions into the capital city of the Ducuria Kingdom to test out my plans. You figure he would have taken my advice against letting Hexalus attack even though he knew he was going to fail. It should have been the Hero of Tyr to have stopped the attack... it was supposed to be... 10 days from now ... things are moving too fast, something is different."

Again, the girl lost herself in thought.

The masked man bowed and stared at her. She was a strange one in his book. When she had joined centuries ago as the only mortal in God of Calamity's army he had thought how insane it was to allow someone like that to join. More so, he felt she was probably weak and pathetic but after seeing her in action for so long he held a new form of respect for her and more so even feared if she ever decided to turn her strength on him.

She wasn't the most predictable person. Even within the ranks of their own group she sometimes turned on them and did stuff that would potentially weaken their armies. Times like that he wondered why the God of Calamity had not just killed her off but there must be something going on there because she would always get a free pass to do as she wishes.

Being a General for the main army of monsters for the God of Calamity, the masked man was a powerful being. His power laid in his ability to manipulate others with his words. When he said something, many would be enticed to do as he says. Only those with stronger power could even attempt to resist his commands.

This is why he had been sent two weeks prior to the attack plotted by Hexalus; to place himself in power next to the King and send adventurers to these Dungeons. Then, Hexalus attack would have devastated the Kingdom enough to drop suspicion from many of their adventurer's going missing. This was the plan all along, however when that Hero Kami had showed up not only had he stopped much of the devastation they had planned for the Kingdom, he had saved many people in the process.

Therefore, their plans now had to be slightly altered. They would continue to send adventurers into the Dungeon but they had to turn the people of the Kingdom against Kami first.

It was an easy task for him, a man who could manipulate people with words. Simply pointing out that it had been due to his fault that the Kingdom had been devastated so badly when he swung his sword down on that dragon was enough. They would have turned on him if he had said so anyway, but it is always best to put a cause into his power. It works better and lasts longer if he does so. The King had sent for Kami's arrest and people over the process of two weeks turned from fanatics to a hateful mob against Kami.

Now if he was sent here and never came back, no one would even bat an eye. What he had not expected was for her to show up.

"Do you believe the Dungeon we set up will not be enough to take him down? I assure you we-"

"If I remember correctly a dragon that was a minion of the Yotsune was instantly destroyed by this Kami guy, right? There's no way your little Boss Dungeon will stand up to him. Let me handle it, besides I want to know who this guy is."

He frowned underneath the mask but remained quiet.

What could possibly be so special about this Kami guy? From what he could tell he was just a stronger than average Hero, perhaps the Hero of Tyr was a suitable title for him. However, she had never expressed any worries about even that level of Hero so why such a fascination with this one?

She stretched and let out a small yawn before smiling. Her hands reached up to her shoulders as she embraced herself. There was a low gently giggled coming from her mouth like she was amused about something.

"It would be wonderful if he was finally the one I'm looking for. I've looked countless times but there was never someone like that spawning no matter how much I change things, just thinking about it brings shivers down my spine."

The masked man shuddered as he slowly backed off and a portal appeared behind him.

"Very well, I shall take my leave back to the capital. I must ensure the King is not released from my power's grasp."

"One more thing, if you tell Yotsune I'm here before I go back I will find you and burn you down, okay?" she said smiling sweetly at him.

"Y-yes of course. My lips are sealed till then"

With that the masked man disappeared behind the portal as she turned her attention back to the Dungeon.

Her expression returned to normal as she made her way inside instantly being teleported to another part of the Dungeon. She had many questions for the first time and her plans seemed to become questionable with the existence of this new Hero Kami. She knew many things and because of that was hardly ever caught off guard. For the first time in what was forever she did not know what to expect.

"I'm excited to find out what you're capable of unknown Hero Kami."

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