Desperate Times....

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I rubbed my temples with my hands.

"This chick is weak and crazy, just my luck."

I sighed and looked back at Jane. She was starring hard at me trying to read my face expression. But as usual, I wasn't giving anything away.

"Did you hear me?" She asked.

I nodded my head yes, "I heard you. You want to kill your husband, blah de blah." 

I rubbed my temples, once more. My head was starting to hurt, because I was seething with anger on the inside. 

"This stupid bitch is going to ruin everything."

I wanted so badly to slam my fist into her face repeatedly, but I kept my cool by breathing in and out slowly.

"You dont want to know why, or how?" Jane was sitting on the edge of her seat now, leaning so close to my face, she was practically in my lap.

"Not really," I said bored.

One thing I know about desperate people, is if you act, not interested, they will keep pouring out details, trying to convince you, they're right.

Jane scoffed, "I don't love him. I never did, I chosed him because he provided security and a stable home for me and Kyle. I should of left, but I didn't, I want him to pay for what he did. He promised Darren and I that he would lose the fight, and let Darren be Alpha. But when it was time for him, to take the fall, he punched Darren, knocking him out. And when we confronted him, he denied it."

"Sounds like he played you, to make Darren put his guard down, so he can deliver the final blow. That was a smart move."

"Excuse me?" Jane asked, appalled by my observation.

I smiled, "Nothing."

The car stopped in front of the Pack's house, I quickly opened the door and got out. I needed to freshen up, before meeting Rachel Grimes, and also have sometime to myself to think about what Luna Jane just told me. She cant be able to go through with her plan.

"But how can I stop her, without giving myself up?"

I love challenges, dont get me wrong, but this could ruin everything for me.

I rounded the corner and was down the hall from my room, when I noticed Jane following me.

I spun around to confront her, but she quickly grabbed my arm, pulled me down the hall, into my room and shut the door behind us. I yanked my arm out from her grip.

"What do you want?" I asked rubbing my arm.

Jane smiled smugly at me, "I know."

"Know what?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"About you and my son. A mother knows when her child is in love."

"I wonder can a mother know, when she is about to be uppercut."

"I'm doing you a favor. You know," She continued."By killing him. You can be free and marry my son. You dont hav.."

"I'm in," I cut her off.


I sighed, "I said I'm in. Isn't this the reason you're telling me all this, to help you?"

"You're a smart girl."

"And you're an idiot."

"Thank you," I walked over to my bed and sat down. I wasn't really going to help this fool, I just wanted more of the details, so I can prepare, on my end.

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