The aliens... again

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Clint's POV:

I am sleeping when I hear that something big crashes. I immediately wake up.Before anyone could ask what was happening, a big green kind-of-human thing with purple pants got through the wall, followed by some aliens- the ones we saw when we were kidnapped.

The green thing threw some tables over his head to them, and then started punching them with his fists. He picked one of the aliens and with that he knocked other aliens. They are comming from everywhere! I jump to my feet. The green thing grabs another alien, and with crushes it against the roof, and bricks fall everywhere. Natasha pulls me under banner's desk, and she was saying "kolkolkolkol" or something like that and Loki and Steve where with us too.

"What is happening?" I ask, quickly.

"Banner turned into that monster when the aliens came." He says "I've seen this hell before." Loki frowns when he says a bad word. We all say 'yeah me too'

"And my brother, and the others?" Loki asks, in panick. The green thing raises up the desk and stares at us. We scream and we all run to different directions, I keep running until I bump with Thor.

"What the hell?" He says. Then, at the start of the corridor (I've ran into one) an alien runs, ans stops when he sees us. He freezes, and then it starts running towards us. We both scream, and after some seconds of screaming we run up the corridor. I see there is a dead end, so I pull Thor to a room, and lock the door. I can hear other people, the people at the hospital screaming. We both hide in the closet.

We hear the door trying to be opened, and then BAM I hear the alien smash through the door. We can hear him slowly walking through the bedroom, his breathing frightening us. Then we hear him stop walking, and for some seconds I think we're safe. And then the closet door burst open, and the alien screams at us.

"FOR ASGARD!" Thor says while he throws at the alien a pile of wood.I nervously laugh, and throw things at the alien too. Then the alien gets this ceptre and it throws a buzz of light in the middle of us, that breaks the closet and the wall. We stare at it. I swear I could see the alien smile. We start running to opposite sides and the alien keeps throwing this lights. One passes right above my head.

It starts chasing me around the room, and I don't see Thor. Then I run into a corner, and the alien slowly approaches me. This is the end. He points his ceptre directly to me, and when I'm about to be done, the alien falls to the ground. I raise my eyes and I see Thor with a rock, with a shocked face. We stare at each other for some seconds.

"The septre!" I whisper. and get it off the knocked alien's hand. I raise to my feet. "How do you use it?"

"I have really no idea, but don't point it to me." Thor says, and I realize I am pointing it to him.

"Yeah, right." I say and point it to the wall. Shoot I think, and the light shoots through the wall, and kills an alien that was dragging Steve. He gets free of the alien and looks through the whole in the wall, looking at us.

"The septre! You use it with your mind!" I say, almost shouting. Steve grabs the septre and uses it, almost hitting us.

"Be careful man!" I groan.

"Um, yeah... and the others?!" He says in shock. Yeah, I almost forgot. The others!

"Wait! I think I saw this aliens before. My mother showed them to me. They're called chitauri. They don't have a fixed planet, so we never know where they really are..." Thor says. I forgot he's an alien too.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever let's get the others!" Steve says through the hole in the wall, and starts running. I look at thor and we do the same.

We scaredly walked through the corridor, and everything was so silent... Until the green big thing crashed the wall, and chased a few aliens. He didn't even noticed us. I, by instinct, pulled the septre up and when I was about to shoot, Thor moved the septre to another side, making the light go near the green thing... er, Banner.

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