Too late or too early?

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I rush to the building with tears in my eyes. Everything seems to be in slow motion. All the people running away from the building while it is burning in flames, and I'm going to it. It feels like slow motion, because everything seems to be happening so slow, but at the same time, too fast. Too slow because I'm not fast enough. Coulson said he personally disconected the phone lines, and the internet too, but something went off. There was some thunder, a big thunder, and Coulson said it was too big to be human. So it is the aliens.

They found a way to kill them.

Someone grabs my arm. I yelp and try to get off. It's a woman, an old woman, and I easely get her off, but she grabs me back. I have no time for this shit!

"Āpa kyā karatē haiṁ, laṛakī hai, bahuta khataranāka hai! ?" The woman says, concern in her face. I quickly get off and run fast, away.

Then something roughly grabs my shoulder and I fall back. NOW WHAT?!

Then I look up and see Steve. He has also been crying.

"You can't just run away!" He says histerical. I've never seen him like this before, I´ve never seen him so angry and frustrated before, not even when the other guys got kidnapped.

Well, to be honest, he´s scary. And I look to the ground. When the thing exploded I just ran away, to the building, and I didn' even checked how Steve was. He must´ve fest the same way. But I only ran.

"I lost them, I can't loose you too!"  He screams out loud. We both cry.

"I-if" I say between sobs, tears stream down my face. I push them away "If you think you´re going to stop me then your wrong! Because I´m going anyway!" I ty to sound tough, but the tears and he sobs only make me sound weak.

"I'm not going to stop you... I'm going with you"

I look up to him, and send him a weak smile. He offers me a hand and I take it.

We both run fast really fast to the building.

Somehow my hope just went up.

 It shouldn´t, because probably we will find them dead. Not even that, we might not even find them, they´re probably buried alive 20 metres underground. I hope they´re not alive and buried, because that would be a horrible slow death.

But, somehow my hopes don´t go down. They´re still up.

But I just stand there, unable to do nothing. What could I do? Dig all the way to them? Maybe... maybe I just shouldn't have high hopes, becuase then life just makes them go down to the floor. And when you hit the floor, you hit  it hard.

Steve then does a sound that is half a cry and half an animal dying. He points to something on the floor. It is a horse. A little toy horse.

Then, I remember when we went to a store when we were like 5 and Loki really wanted this horse, but Steve took it, and I just got another one for Loki.


I start to cry. He would never leave it behind, I know.

"LOKI!" I scream. He can't. He can't leave me. That asshole! The moron! He can't... He just can't

"Looking for someone?" A voice says behind me. He sounds like loki. Dammit Steve! Don't do this to me!

I turn around to slap Steve, but instead, it is Loki. He is dusty, dirty, and a bit of blood is puring from his nose, but... he's alive.

Behind him, there´s Tony and Clint, holding Thor in their shoulders.

I slap myself hard to make sure they're real. They give me puzzled looks. When the pain comes, I know they're real.

I hug Loki and start to cry. Then Steve comes and hugs us too. Soon , we are all in a big circle, in a big hug. I've never been so happy to see this idiots in my short, six dayed life.

Tony's POV:

We were in this huge hug when this helicopter came. Judging by the black helicopter and the stupid logo in it, it was the Pirate. Fucking Pirate. But in a good way.

We broke the hug when we saw a ginger with him. Who was her? She looks so familiar...

"Who is her?" Clint asks "She looks familiar"

"I think her name was... Pepperonni"

I know, I know. This wasn't the best one I could do, but I promise the next chaptes are going to be awesome, ok?

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