A calm day- nah that would never happen... in life :(

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Steve's POV:

Natasha is having a meltdown.


I can't blame her, though. I already had a few meltdowns. Okay, many meltdowns, but not as much as her's.

It is strange to see the one, determinated and brave friend collapse in front of you. She's blaming herself. She says that she could've helped, that she should've predicted Clint's actions. He blames him too. I would have done the same if I was on Clint's shoes. I mean, who wouldn't?

It's almost midnight, and we both can't really sleep, so Nat is telling me how everything is her fault, and I'm just trying to convince her it is not.

"But I could've done something!" She muffles out "I should've stopped flattering myself and let them through!"

"Natty, it wasn't. your. fault. For the fifth time! You didn't flattered yourself for to much, what was it?- 2 seconds? You couldn't have gotten anyone out, not even you, because if Clint hadn't pushed you-!"

"That son of a bitch! I could be helping them run away! they need me!" And she breaks into cries, and I hug her, trying to confort her. I'm not good at comforting. I've practically been screaming at her.

Ring Ring

Really? Now? Of course I ignore it!

Ring Ring

It'll go away, eventually

Ring Ring

It'll go away.

Ring Ring

Who the heck calls Coulson's phone now?! He told everyone that it was only for emergencies, for us only. It practically was a gift from him. Anyway, there isn't an emergency because there are like a thousand cops surrounding us.

Ring Ring

I'll kill the one who's calling.

Ring Ring


Ring Ring



Ring Ring

Really? Really? Our friends died, mate, or are about to, or I don't fucking know!!

"You should answer it could be something serious" Natty says. I flush. She's seen my trantrum. She's not crying anymore, she just sounds tired.

Ring RIng

"O-okay" I say and get the phone "Who is this, you know this is not the best moment-"

"Wow Steve, I didn't know you were so bad tempered" A voice cuts me off. A voice that I know too well.

"LOKI!!" I half- scream and Natty jumps to my side and takes the phone away from me.

"Lo-loki?" She says, shaking. He says something back and she gasps, her whole body relaxing.

"Are you ok-.... Are you still in that kind of palace?... They're dropping what? I can't understand you..." And then her whole body tenses up and she screams:" DROPPING BOMBS WHERE YOU ARE?!.... NO I CAN'T RELAX- ... wha- what? Do you want me to-... no... okay" She looks at me

"Pencil and paper please!" She says with urgency, and I get her a pen and a drawing that Thor drew (It was actually very good) so that she can use it.

"What happened?" I say, curiosity invading me

"There's no time now! I'll explain later!" She gets back to the phone "A what?... A C... and a 4? C4?... okay... annulaty? I can't hear you... NO!" I get up at her last words "DON'T-... STUPID PHONE!"

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