VI 《 My Fight 》

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ᴀʀᴛᴡᴏʀᴋ: ʙɪᴀʟᴏʙᴏ

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot on it and hang on.
                                      —Franklin D. Roosevelt

Cold. That's what you're feeling right now. You don't even know if you're scared or care where you are. You're being blindfolded, and tied to a rope, both of your wrists and feet. But your hands were tied behind your back so it's more difficult to escape.

You can only use your ear. You hear the engine of the van, the cricket sounds luring outside, and the strong wind hitting the van. You can see blurry image of the inside of the van since the fabric used to blindfold you is a little thin. And the smell of the filthy cigarette that the man is using. You tried to turn around a bit to lessen the smell. You don't want to die in a lung cancer just because of being a second hand smoker.

Although, you rather that than what situation you're in right now.

You suddenly thought of Namjoon. And it's because you think he's the reason why you're in this situation. You're aware that you've caught their leader, and you're responsible for that. But, you're just doing your job. You don't believe, you know that you're not the one to blame.

You started to have second thoughts about the things Yoongi and Taehyung said to you. Every painful words that they let out from their lips towards you. It hits you so hard, realizing that their thoughts about you were true, now that you're trap in a van with terrorists and you're just one, fragile little girl.

The whole ride was about to be in full silence. Until the man opened his mouth to speak, throwing the cancer stick to the floor of the van, then step on it.

"You know, I like you that way. Being tied and stuff." He mumbled. You can sense that he leaned towards you since it suddenly became hot. You can also feel that he's giving you a lecherous look.

"Or you're just a hormonal perv, that's what." You mumbled very lowly as you rolled your eyes under the blindfold, having the courage because he can't quite see your expression clearly. The man cocked an eyebrow as his eyes narrowed, "What's that?"

You felt the rope loosened because the knot wasn't that tight. But you still didn't make a move, waiting for the right opportunity to beat up the man.

Yoongi and Taehyung might be right, or maybe wrong. There's only way to find out. And you'll find out right now.

"I said, I guess I'll just stay this way, then." You plastered a smile. You felt his hand to your chin, making you to swallow thickly.

"If that's what you said, could you help me out? If you know what I mean." You pursed your lips. Thinking of how far you will go just to find the right opportunity to come out and escape, then quickly grins so your actions won't look suspicious, "Sure."

He pushed you as your back felt the cold leather seat. But the hot and heavy feeling takes over as the man hovers you.

You gave him one last smirk before folding your tied legs and placing it on your chest before kicking him harshly upwards.

He fell to the floor of the van as you took off the loosened rope on your wrists, removed both the blindfold and the rope tied to your feet.

The man was about to stand, but because of your unbelievable speed, you pushed him back to the floor as you stoop to his level, swiftly took the gun in his pocket and the ammo to the other. You push the ammo in the gun using your chin, while strangling the man with your other hand. The driver don't know what's happening inside since the window that's been used as the divider between the passengers and the driver was closed.

After the gun was loaded, you aimed it to him, not letting your grip to his neck slip. The anxiety and fear can be traced on the man's face. He has no weapon, the other men who captured you were on the other van probably being healed at the time. The man didn't want to make a sound as he thought that you'll shoot him afterwards.

"Tell me, where are you taking me and who's in charge here?" You asked with narrowed eyes, not letting yourself off guard. He gulped a large amount before answering, looking at you with his shaking eyes, nearly tearing up.

"I—I don't know, okay? The driver knows the location, but we don't know who's behind this! I swear. Just please don't kill me." He plead with his hands on the air, eagerly shaking his head.

"Oh, don't worry. I won't kill you. Unless you're not telling the truth." You hissed, strangling him tighter. Making the man coughs and inhaling large amount, trying to catch some air. You didn't plan in killing someone, but in order to survive and escape, you'll do things you're incapable of doing.

"Uh—I'm telling the truth...! I d—don't really know." He mumbled in a breathy manner, suffocating from your grip. You harshly let go of him, making him gasping for a large amount of air in order to breathe in a stable state while caressing his neck.

You grabbed the rope then quickly ties him up. The man was still confused and his mind can't think straight until you made a tight knot to make sure he can't escape. You also used the blindfold to cover his mouth.

You hurriedly positioned yourself, leaning your back against the surface while looking up the window divider. Since the car door was surely locked and will probably make a beeping noise if you opened it, you have to interrogate the driver.

You opened the window slowly and quietly. The sound of the wheels bumping to a rocky road can only be heard.

Once you opened the window fully, you quickly aimed the gun to the driver. You sensed that he tensed up, and his hands were shaking because of nervousness, and you can see in the mirror that his eyes can't focus on the road, but he continues to drive to the destination.

"Stop the car or I'll make your head explode." You whispered. He gulped a large amount, but the van is still moving. You cocked an eyebrow as your lips turned into a frown, leaning the gun to his head to make him afraid purposefully.

"I killed your friend. Might as well kill you, too, so both of you can be called as friendship goals, right?" The van turned into a complete halt as the driver stepped on the brake quickly after what you have said.

You were about to step out of the van, still aiming the gun to the driver, until you saw his index finger tapped a button on his side. He looked at you as he smiled as he accomplished to hit the signal. The signal if ever you try to escape, "Checkmate."

You glared at him, making a clear shot to his head. You're not intending to shoot him, but your hand suddenly have the urge to pull the trigger as you felt annoyance.

You ran away from the van then shoot it directly to it's heart, causing the van to ignite severely. You suddenly hear the screeching sound of the wheel making a friction to the ground, coming towards your direction. You turned your head, only to see the assassins who captured you got off the van then starts to chase you, but now the number of men running to catch you right now doubles up the total of men from before. You shoot several men chasing you, but that doesn't diminished anything, and your move made you slower to ran away.

One of the man got closer to you, but you just get down then slide your legs in a circular motion, causing him to trip. You punched him right in the face just to make sure he doesn't fight back. Your sight is crystal clear that you quickly found a sphere-shaped fragmentation grenade in his pocket. You took it then ran.

Using your teeth, you removed the safety pin then spit it out, "Hey unholy bastards, take this!" You threw it to their direction, falling right at their spot. The men paused for a moment as they look at the thing you just threw, but the grenade wastes no time but to detonate into small, lethal, and fast moving fragments. Since the explosion's huge, you tried your best to jumped a large step, and succeeded.

You panted heavily as you looked back then smiled. You stood up with your head held high, holding out both of your middle fingers up in the air to the direction of the explosion as you laughed loudly, celebrating your victory.

"You seemed to be enjoying your moment there, kid." Your eyes widened, hearing a unfamiliar voice behind you. You swallowed thickly as you put your hands down. But to hide the fear, you smirked then turned your head to face the man behind.

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