VII 《 Him 》

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ᴀʀᴛᴡᴏʀᴋ: ʙɪᴀʟᴏʙᴏ

Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you.
                           —Loretta Young

"Hey there. Checking me out is just rude, you know?" You uttered calmly. The man smirked but his expression turned stern hastily, then tilted his head to looked at the other guy beside him. His face is familiar, very familiar.

"Already know me, right?" The guy asked, grinning sinisterly. But you did the same.

"Yeah, I know your face. But not your name." You stated as you placed your hands on your hips, still holding a gun. Jungkook cocked an eyebrow as he noticed the one you're holding, gazed back at you after a moment with a frown formed on his lips.

"Too bad I know yours, Y/N. Now..." He suddenly showed the AK-47 he's holding on one hand, before aiming it to you, "Surrender that gun, or I'll kill you with this."

His gaze turned serious, but the guy beside him is just staring at you with arms crossed. Those mesmerising eyes are beautiful but very dangerous. Either those plump lips inviting yours to connect. He has a lot of tattoos visible, and you knew that there's more under those garments. He's wearing a white shirt, sleeves rolled up, and two buttons undone, black ripped jeans, and a pair of black motorcycle boots. You can also see visible trace of his chest through his shirt. He has a messy, silver grey hair that he just ran his fingers through perfectly suits him. His aura is different and hard to guess, this guy in front of you, looks very mysterious and has a lot of things he's hiding.

And again, Guys with tattoos turn you on.

"Then kill me, if that makes you feel better and powerful." You emitted, slightly holding up your arms sidewards, not breaking the eye contact that both of you made.

"Give me that, Jungkook." The silver haired uttered, "I don't want to get your hands dirty today."

Jungkook hand over the gun to the guy with no hesitation. The man took it then gazed back at you. You pursed your lips, waiting for your death.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. But I can just shoot your legs." He stated. You forced your eyes shut in frustration.

"If you're thinking that I'll just kill you without making you feel bedevilled, you're wrong. So you better give that up before I make a move that you'll despise." He retorted, aiming the gun to your legs.

"What will you do if I give up?" You asked. He licked his lips. It took moments of silence before he speaks.

"Depends on what kind of attitude you will show."

You looked at the gun you're holding. It's a little light since there's only a few bullets left inside. You sigh heavily, then looked back at the two of them.

"If you don't want to," You held out the gun and aimed it directly to your head, " Then I'll do it myself."

Jungkook's eyes widened then glanced at the man beside him, but the silver haired wears an expressionless face, and you can't decipher what his thoughts right now.

He put his hand down but he didn't let go of his gun. He's staring at you intently, eyebrows narrowed as he calculate your every move.

"Go ahead." He mumbled. His body became composed once again, showing that he's relaxed at the situation.

You bit your bottom lip, your index finger struggling to pull the trigger. Your hands were shaking, and your knees went weak. Your heartbeat pounds so fast as you tried to shoot yourself. But, something is stopping you to do so. Maybe your conscience? You're not sure.

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