Every Breath You Take

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And there will be someone that comes along one day and offers you an entire galaxy when you only expected a single planet.


You know what they say about life? That it is unpredictable. It never gives you a chance to guess. It has already planned everything for you, made by a list of events that are meant to happen. It doesn't matter how much effort we put in to change our future, it is always destined for us. The dilemma remains in the fact that whether to accept that with a smile or frown the whole journey. 

Lisa couldn't figure out the purpose, her life was chosen to be this way. Just a week ago, she was sitting in her room, reading a romantic novel, still busy figuring about love and life. And now here she was standing in front of her new house, she was meant to call home. The dilemma was still the same, to smile and accept or cry for some things still unknown.

"Sweetheart, I think that is quite a lot of staring for once. You can continue that later, for now, let's get inside." She heard Ian say as he got hold of her hand, walking her inside the newly furnished house. It was beautiful, with the walls painted elegantly in white, chandelier hanging above the very part of the hall. The kitchen was located in front so that it was the very first thing to be seen as soon as a person enters the house. There were pictures hanging on the walls, which Lisa guessed were of Ian's family. 

"So what do you think?" She almost didn't acknowledge Ian standing beside her as she was busy staring at the house

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"So what do you think?" She almost didn't acknowledge Ian standing beside her as she was busy staring at the house. 

"It's...it's huge." That was all she was able to answer. She was still not able to grasp the fact, that this was the place she was going to live in. 

"Well, that's quite an answer." Ian chuckled lightly still in awe of her wife's beauty. He could see how mesmerized she was by seeing the place. He was feeling accomplished as to his effort had paid off and Lisa really liked the house. 

"Come on now, I will show you our room," Ian said as he looked at Lisa, moving his hand forward for her to hold. As soon as she heard the mention of room, she turned towards him to find him already looking at her.

"Our room?" Lisa asked alarmed out of the fact that she had to share the room with him. He hadn't done anything to offend her or anything, but she had known him for just a week and sharing a room with him was something she was not really comfortable in. 

"I thought that maybe after we-" Ian started to answer but stopped as soon as he saw Lisa looking terrified as he continued to answer. He took a deep sigh before he continued "Never mind. I am sorry, I didn't think this through. I will show you your room." Ian muttered as he started leading towards the stairs expecting Lisa to follow him. 

She knew she somehow disappointed him. She saw how his smile, flatted from his face as soon as he heard her shock at sharing a room. She didn't want that, she wanted him to be happy but she couldn't possible to that right now. She realized that she was still standing in the hall, knowing she would be lost if she didn't follow Ian, she almost ran after him. 

The first room that both of them entered was a simple, blue color painted one. The bed was huge, probably bigger than she had at home. There were two wardrobes placed at the end of the room, exactly the place where the bathroom door stood. 

"This will be your room now, you can design it however you want. My room will be just across yours. Let me know if you need anything. The towels are in the wardrobe along with some of the clothes that you might need." Ian notified Lisa as he placed her suitcase in corner of the room. "You can get a shower and change, while I make something for you to eat. Just ask if you need something." He stated as he nodded at her and walked out of the room, giving Lisa the time to change. She wanted to say something, tell him that she was sorry but she couldn't possibly gather the courage. She knew this was meant to be there room, which was the reason to why there were two wardrobes placed in the room. Without further delay, she shut the door and removed her clothes to get in the shower.

As soon as Lisa was ready, she walked downstairs presumably trying to remember the path she walked through right above. She could smell some species being cooked, which she guessed was reasonably Ian. She could hear the radio to be on, but what amazed her was that her husband was singing along with it. 

Every single day 
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you

Oh can't you see
You belong to me
My poor heart aches
With every step you take

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you♪

Lisa settled herself on the very last stair, moving quietly so as she wouldn't disturb Ian, who was every engrossed in his singing. She observed how gorgeous and melodious his voice was. She couldn't help but shut her eyes, enjoying the song.

Since you've gone
I have been lost without a trace
I dream at night
I can only see your face

I look around but it's you
I can't replace
I feel so cold and
I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby, please ♪

Ian stopped singing, as soon as he noticed Lisa standing near the stairs. Her eyes were closed; it was like she was trying to feel every emotion along with him. As soon as she realized that the singing had stopped she opened her eyes to stare right into Ian's eyes. Lisa was conflicted about what to say next. Should she apologize? Or just pretend that she heard nothing?

"I.. I am sorry... I didn't mean to. I just came down and heard you singing. I didn't want to disturb so I decide to stand by far and listen. You have a great voice by the way." Lisa remarked as she started walking towards Ian, who still hadn't spoken anything. She was suspecting that was apparently because he was mad at her for invading his privacy. After all, it was his house; he could do whatever he wants. 

"I made a sandwich for you. There are not many things to cook; we will have to buy some grocery. Maybe tomorrow." Ian explained as he placed a plate of cheese sandwich in front of her. "And Lisa?" he murmured placing himself on the other stool beside her "I am glad you liked my voice and as per the room is concerned I am not upset. I understand what you are going through, I respect your decision. So you don't need to worry about it. I will wait for the time you are comfortable." He continued as he bent a little forward to place a kiss on her cheek.

And at the very moment, she understood what she desired to do.

She just wanted to smile and accept and so she did.       

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