Pretty No With The Cherry Down

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You deserve to be loved and to be missed. You deserve to have someone who notices the emptiness in the air when you are not around.

- JmStorm





"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"Pretty no with the cherry down."

"Come on, now and tell me where we are going. Please." Lisa pouted at Ian still trying to dig out the answer to 'we are going somewhere'. But all her attempts were in waste because Ian was determined not to melt for the cute face of hers. 

"It's already been thirty minutes since you are driving. Just please tell me where are we going?" She tried once more but again he was determined not to end his silence. 

"Fine, be that way. I don't care anymore." Lisa replied as she crossed her hands over her chest looking out through the window. She saw that the car was passing through familiar neighborhoods but she didn't dare utter a word. 

"We are here," Ian announced after about five minutes. The area was somewhat similar to Lisa but she couldn't figure out the exact place. 

"Where are we?" She questioned again, putting away the seatbelt, climbing out of the car. 

"You don't recognize this place?" Ian asked astonished to which Lisa shook her head still trying to figure out the place. 

"This is the backside of your studio Lisa." He answered with a sarcastic chuckle. 

"What? What are we doing here?" Lisa asked, moving forth standing in front of him, staring directly into his eyes. "And how the hell did you know where it is? I never mentioned it." She continued, now frowning at him. 

"I have my ways," he responded with a smirk tugging on his face. "Come on now, baby, take out the key. It's not very safe around here." He stated as he walked a few steps away from her. It seemed like he was noticing or more like judging the place. She didn't argue with him on this. She knew very well that if she didn't open the door he will not hesitate to break it.

She quickly latched out the key from her purse, opening the back door of the studio. The place was a mess. Mainly because she didn't get enough time to clean it up because of the upcoming exhibition. Some of her drawings which were ready were hanging around the corner put on the board, while some of the unfinished ones, were on the other corner of the room. 

"I am sorry for the mess. It's not usually like this. It's just that I am quite busy nowadays to even think about cleaning." She quickly apologized, moving forward to remove some of the extra sheets lying on the floor. 

"It's fine," Ian answered casually putting his hands in his pocket, moving around the place. He went forward and stood before one of the incomplete painting. Noticing his interest in the painting Lisa moved to stand beside him. 

The painting was depicting a mother and daughter figure. Where the daughter's head was resting in her mother's lap and the mother was moving her hand down her head. The image was so simple, yet so meaningful. But the painting was still not complete. It looked like it hadn't been touched for years.

"Why is it not complete?" He asked Lisa, turning aside to face her.

" is one of my mother's collection. She handed it to me just before she died and asked me to complete it. That was thirteen years ago and I still don't have the courage to finish it." She whispered moving her eyes toward the painting. "Every day, at least once I try to touch it. I try to gather the strength to start it all over, every day. But when I lift the brush, I am not able to put it on the sheet. Funny right? It's been happening to me for thirteen years straight." She completed chuckling lightly trying to hide her pain, while a stray tear rolled down her eyes, without her notice.

Ian had noticed how broken the girl was and how strong she wanted to act. In the short period of time, he could tell how courageous and determined she was. Her mother was a whole different story. He had seen her sleeping with the photo frame of her mother at night. He could tell how dearly she missed her. 

Without thinking twice he leaned forward and placed his hands around her waist pulling her hard against his embrace. She was stiff for a movement before he felt her small tender hands wrap around his body. She wasn't able to control herself anymore. She let out a small sob before she attached herself even more closely to him, crying in his arms. As she cried remembering her mother, Ian rubbed gentle circles on her back, sensing how much she needed it. He didn't stop her; he wanted her to lift out every emotion she hides behind her always smiling or happy personality. The moment was precious. No words were needed for now; both of them just enjoyed each other's embrace. 


"Well, now I think you have seen all of them. Can you please tell me why did you bring us here?" Lisa questioned Ian, who was very engrossed in one the painting or was trying to be engrossed in the painting. 

"Ian? Please. Why are you not answering me?" Lisa shouted raising her voice to probably gain his attention. 

"You want to know the truth?" Ian replied shifting his head away from the painting to look directly at her, staring into her eyes. While he started taking small steps in her direction. 

"You really want to know why we are here." He asked again still moving forward. His voice was deep and hoarse and the way he was looking at her, made her take some steps back that was until her back hit the wall. Without saying anything he leaned forward placing both of his arms around her so that she was now trapped between him and the wall. He moved his face forward directly in front of her. 

Lisa could feel his hot breathe on her neck as he bent forward to place his mouth on her neck, placing a tender kiss there. Lisa took a large gulp of air trying to control the tingles, she was feeling down there. 

"I was jealous, Lisa," He breathed out in her ears placing yet another kiss just below her earlobe. "I was jealous when you took hold of Cole's hand. I was jealous when you let that piece of shit place his hands on you. I was jealous when you danced with him. I was jealous, Lisa, very jealous." He continued as he removed his mouth from her neck, leaning forward to stare directly into her eyes. 

"So let me tell you the truth. I am a very possessive man, Lisa and I don't share what's mine. And when it comes to you I certainly can't control myself." He concluded as he closed the gap and placed his lips on her.    

Hey guys, I would like to thank you all for the love and support CTAAM is getting.

You being there makes my day. So thank you and please continue supporting me in the future.

 So thank you and please continue supporting me in the future

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But people we need to set some goals now. So that at least I can know you guys are willing to read it.

So if this chapter gets 10 votes, I will update. It's not tough people. It won't matter for you pressing one small star, but for me it will make my whole day.

Thank you. XoXo

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