I Am Done With You

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"I...I don’t understand. Who is Hailee?" Lisa asked with confusion clear along with her face. This was the very first time she had ever heard her name.

"Hailee is... Was Ian’s first love or ex-fiancé. They met in college. It was just like any other cliché stories, they met, became friends and then fell in love with each other.  But their love story didn’t reach the happily ever after part. She.." James went silent for a minute. He knew what he was about to tell her would change everything. He was betraying is son but this he knew somehow it needed to be done.

"What happened to her James?" Lisa asked surprised. Everything was hitting her like some sudden blow of wind. Suddenly she came to know that Ian was engaged before to a girl he never once mentioned.

"She died two years ago in a car accident. Since then Ian has changed, completely. He was happy and smiling with her but with her gone, he was defeated. It was like she took his heart with her when she died. Ian avoided meeting with people, he hated when anyone tried to come close to him but can we really blame him? He lost everything he was just broken." James finished sighing heavily. He did tell her about Hailee but he knew the questions will be raised now.

"How is this even relates to me and everything Ian is doing to me?" Lisa asked stunned on what she was hearing.

"Lisa... The car who was the cause of her accident was actually driven by your father. He was the cause of her death." James answered while reading the uneasiness in her eyes. The feeling was intense. It was like her whole body was pinching and she just wanted to end the pain.

"The day after her death, Ian and Hailee were about to marry. I still remember the day, I was trying to make amends with him after running away from him for two years. He was waiting for her to call and tell him about her day, how she was excited or nervous about the wedding but instead he received a call from the hospital where they took Hailee after the accident. She couldn’t make it, she was too weak and had lost a lot of blood. He saw her die in front of her eyes, just before their wedding. He made a promise to get her justice to get his revenge for what Liam did to him. This was all a plan to destroy him. Liam business is the most important thing to him and then you. Ian's plan was to take over his business by being close to him or pretending to be his friend and then marry you. Make you fall for him and then use you against your father." James finished removing every ounce of burden and guilt he was carrying with him.

"I.."Lisa started sobbing before she could say anything. This was just so much. For all this long Ian had hidden everything from her. And knowing what her father did. She knew his father was not such a nice person but him killing someone was something she couldn’t even acknowledge in her wildest dreams.

"I am so sorry Lisa, I know this is too much but you needed to know this before anything else could happen. After Ian comes back from Australia, his plan would start. He had access to your fathers every project and his planning to use them to destroy him, also he is..."

"He was what James? Say it, loud! I want to hear it!" She shouted. She could think of what he was about to say next but it really hurt. All she did was love him and truly trust him.

"He is going to divorce you and stating from his words “Throw you out of his life and house”" James narrated what exactly Ian told him.

"Right," Lisa whispered to herself. What else she could do? She trusted him twice, thinking she could finally live a happy life. But who could ever forget that how unlucky she was. No one could even love her. She stumbled her step back losing balance and falling on her feet.

"Lisa- "

"Stop! Just stay where you are" she answered pointing right at him with her eyes filled with tears and her life shattered around her. In that moment she knew what she had to do. Ian could do whatever he wants with her father business. The only thing it has every done is broke him away from him and she was done with everything for now.

"I am thinking you already told your bastard son about your coming here and telling me everything the reason why he has been ringing on your phone from the past half an hour. Oh wait there he is." Lisa said as a running Ian entered the house but from what he could understand he was very late.

"Didn’t go to Australia Mr. Ian Arthur? What a disgusting piece of a person are you? But wait hey why am I surprised? You know what Ian?" Lisa spoke as she stepped forward towards the panting Ian jabbing her fingers on his chest With hot tears trailing down her cheeks.

"Lisa listen-"

"No you listen! You want the business? Take it, do anything with it. You want to take my father down? Do it. Take everything you want. But do you really think you will be free? You think you are taking revenge Ian but what you are doing is not revenge and it’s most certainly is not justice! I am sure Hailee would be impressed by what you are doing because look at you, seeking revenge in such a right way. But you should have done you research right, my father wouldn’t care even if I fucking die so it wouldn’t hurt him. Because apparently everyone in my life just pretends to love me until they are done. Right Ian?" She asked with her face red and her eyes fluffy. The tears were just uncontrollable, she really loved this man.

"Sign the divorce papers and send them to me when you are done. The next time you plan on doing this to anyone make sure you don’t forget the divorce papers lying on the bed. I am done with you Mr. Arthur ." She said as she walked out of the house wiping down the tears from her cheeks and eyes.

She started to run not knowing where she was going, this was as she wanted to run from everything in her life. Her vision was blur but she didn’t stop. She could hear Ian calling for her behind making her run even faster.

"Lisa no!!" She heard Ian before a heavy light flashed in front of her making her stop for a second when everything revolved around her eyes. Her mother, father, Elena, Marie and Ian and soon with a slight pain in her whole body her eyes closed and she feel in unconsciousness.

"Someone call 911, Lisa no no!!"

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