What A Shame Are You?

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"Father," she whispered in a low tone. "I... didn't know you were going to be home so soon." 

"Well, I am. But the question is that what are you doing here?" He questioned again walking towards the centre of the hall. You went for your honeymoon to Paris right? Then why are you home early?"

"Yeah, I wait, how did you know about the honeymoon?" Lisa was surprised that his father had paid attention to something in her life. From the time she got married, she never really had a talk with him, therefore him knowing about the trip was surprising to her.

"I head Elena the other day on phone," Liam answered as he faced another side of the room, feeling not so confident about the answer.

"But anyway, why are you here?"

"Ian had a meeting to complete and I was getting bored, so I came back." She answered looking down on the floor twisting her fingers.

"What an excuse huh? So you were not even able to keep him attracted to you for a month. What kind of shame are you?" He huffed getting rid of his court and throwing it with force on the sofa. Lisa shook because of the unexpected noise. She expected her father to be angry but so disappointed was not what she thought.

"And even after that, you have the guts to come back to this house? This is not your house anymore Lisa, Ian's house is. So now-"

"Dinner is going to be ready in 20 minutes. Do you w-" Elena stopped mid-sentence when she saw Liam in the hall.

"Sir, I am so sorry. I didn't know you were here" she answered quietly.

"Pack something for Lisa, she is going back home and this time the right one." He finished passing her a final look and then climbing the stairs to get to his room.

"Lisa..." Elena tied to say something but stayed quiet knowing it could make the matter worse.

"I am fine" Lisa answered passing a smile to Elena. "You heard him, right? Pack something for me, I would eat at home." She whispered before running upstairs to stop the tears from falling. Nobody wanted her. She was just a thing to use or shame to someone. The thoughts ran continuously in her head. She finally entered her old room and shut the door. She took deep breathes to control her emotions, but with every passing second it became even more difficult, finally, when she was not able to hold herself anymore, she started sobbing.

'You are fine, you are fine' she whispered to herself as she leaned against the door, still crying.

'The light is there, the light is there Lisa, don't cry' she reminded herself as she tucked off the tears from, her cheeks.

But now the big question was, how is she going to face Ian?


"Lisa darling, oh you guys are back!" Marie shouted in excitement when she noticed Lisa enter the house with her bags.

"Oh! So good to see you!" She exclaimed taking Lisa in a hug.

"Where is Ian, honey?" Marie asked as she released her from the hug. "I don't see him here."

"He didn't come back with me, he had a meeting." She answered quietly moving past her with the bags moving inside.

"Oh, stupid boy! How many times have I told him to give somethings attention more than his work?" She said giggling to her exclamation.

"Yeah, I think he just doesn't listen" she answered shrugging her shoulders. Of course, business, one thing that Ian cared the most about. How can she not understand that before?

"So, you want dinner Lisa?"

"Oh no! I went to visit my family before coming here, Elena packed some dinner. Here." Lisa answered giving a box full of delicious smelling food to Marie.

"It smells heavenly. How are they by the way? Especially your father?" Marie asked taking the box along with her placing it on the dinner table.

"Oh yeah... they are great." She answered looking down to her feet.

"I have already eaten so don't keep anything for me." She responded smiling at her. After some small conversation, Lisa returned to her room with several thoughts in her mind. She knew Ian had planned this all along now. He knew everything about his situation with his dad and yet he acted so innocently. But the main concern was, how is she going to stop him? For sure her father wouldn't care if she is hurt or not, but losing business is something he won't be able to bear.

"I won't let you do it, Ian. Even if it takes the whole of my life to stop you, I won't let you do it. This business is something that my father has built over with his hard work, I won't let you take it. I promise."


"Shh! Keep it a little down guys! He asked to keep it a surprise." Lisa could hear Marie from outside her room. Today she woke up with people bringing stuff up and down and Marie trying hard to make sure Lisa couldn't hear anything but unfortunate to her, Lisa had been awake for the past one hour now. She still had no idea what was happening outside.

"This is the last time I am saying guys, shut it down!" Marie shouted from outside. A small smile escaped from Lisa's mouth, she was getting even more curious about the setting outside. After half an hour when all the commotion calmed down, she decided to step out.

"Oh god!" Lisa shouted as soon as she stepped out of the room, looking at Marie standing just outside with a bouquet of red roses in her hands.

"Lisa, sorry. This is for you" she whispered as she passed the bundle to her. "And wear this without saying anything." She answered wrapping a piece of cloth around her eyes, blindfolding her.

"What is this all about? What are you doing Marie?" Lisa asked as a giggle spaced her mouth.

"Please no questions, just come with me," Maie answered as she took hold of her hand walking her down the stairs.

"Okay, we are here," Marie responded stopping at a spot. Lisa could hear her opening a lock, so she was guessing it was a room. As soon as the door opened Marie pushed her inside.

"Now count to three and then open your eyes." Lisa was confused about such a sudden and unusual format in the morning but she didn't argue.

"One...two...three, I am opening my eyes, Marie." She said as she opened the knot from the back. The smile immediately left her face, when she observed the person standing in front of her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She questioned throwing the flowers on the floor with anger.

"I told you, I won't be gone too long."

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