I Promise baby.

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"So it all started the month before the wedding. Due to some reason my father has always hated the Black's cooperation. Always telling me about how he wants them down and how they are a bunch of liars. Like his son, the same hatred started to get to me. I began hating your father’s company, not only because my father did but also because whenever I tried to take my step forward of being the CEO of the company, your father would make a great profit in comparison to us making my dad question my skills again."

"Ian, I have no interest in knowing how you and your lovely father used to hate us. I already know that by the games you two played. So if you have any good reason please continue otherwise stop." Lisa explained.

"I am coming to that. Then one fine evening my father came home with a big smile on his face and called me into his study. He doesn’t let anyone enter his study that was the reason I knew he was planning something bad. He told me all about the plan. The plan how he wanted to destroy Liam Black and his company. He asked me to marry you so he could get into the core of the company. He knew how your father would do anything for money and that could include giving away his daughter. As soon as we got married the plan got further the next thing was to win your trust. To let you fall for me and after a year, break your heart and make you leave me so that every blame of getting the divorce would come on your family and I would get back the money from the deal and meanwhile my father would gather more stocks and secrets of the company. Your father would have been heartbroken, his company would have been ours and I would have been the CEO."

There was pure silence in the room. Lisa felt so betrayed and used. Only money? All this time Ian was just playing along. Every moment was perfectly plotted and planned. Even her falling for him. She was feeling ashamed of herself that she let herself fall for this, fall for him.

"But, this is not the plan anymore. The more time I spend with you the more I saw myself falling for you. The plan was really clear, I just had to make you fall in love with me but I messed up. In the whole making you fall, I fell for you." Ian, answered as she looked at the stunned Lisa. He knew what he did was nothing but cruel but he was a changed man who made some mistakes.

"You want me to believe that?" A cruel laugh left Lisa’s mouth. "Which part of the film is this MR. Arthur?"

"I am so sorry for how things went with us. But trust me if I have met you before I would have never done that." He tried to reason placing one of his hand on her knee which made her flinch immediately.

"Why did James hated my father Ian?" Lisa asked as she stood up from the couch to allow some distance between them.

"He never told me the reason. Whenever I asked he always told me that he would let me know at the right time. The time never came."

"Look I understand Lisa, what all I have done to you is wrong and I would apologies for that to the rest of my life. My father... He is not a very good person Lisa, never has been. I told him that me and you we both are not the part of his game anymore but I don’t think he has taken it very well." Ian spoke making Lisa attention turn towards him.

"What do you mean?" She asked turning herself to face him.

"He would go through the plan, no matter what happens. Even if that means hurting you or me."

"He wouldn’t hurt his own son." She tried to reason but who was she to speak she didn’t knew what kind of father is he.

"He would Lisa. I betrayed him and he doesn’t like people who do that" Ian answered with a stern voice. He could see how confusing it could be for Lisa, but he didn’t want to lie to her anymore.

"I know you don’t trust me now, I don’t ask for you too as well. I understand what I did was all wrong but it was only because I wanted to get to the company to complete my dream and the only way I could see that time was agreeing to my father wishes."

"I can’t believe you anymore Ian. After what you did, I don’t think I will ever be able to believe you. All I can think about is how every moment we spent together would be a lie." Lisa struggled to take out her words. She hated him for what he did, but now she didn’t know what to trust. His reasons or reality?

"No love no, never ever think that any moment we spent together was a lie," he came forward placing a hand on her cheek. To his surprise she didn’t struggle. "Every time we were together it was true and pure. You made me understand how wrong and stupid I was to agree with my father. You brought out the best in me Lisa."

"I can’t trust you Ian" she answered removing his hand from her cheek and placing a foot behind. "What if all of this is a plan? And you are fooling me again? How do I believe you?" She asked with tears falling down her face.

"I don’t ask you to. Just give me some time, I would win your trust back. Don’t give up on us just yet." Ian knew he was asking too much but he wanted her to trust him again. This was the chance he was not willing to lose.

"Okay," he heard her answer after some time of silence.

"What really?" He asked in confirmation. He was not sure what he heard was right or not.

"Yeah, just don’t break my trust again, please." She repeated looking at him, it was like her eyes were confirming the pain she has been through. Ian went forward and immediately took her in a hug. She was back here, right in his arms.

"I promise baby, you won’t ever cry because of me ever again." He made a promise to her as he hugged her tight. A promise he meant every word of.

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