Why Were You Dancing With Him?

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The art of love is largely the art of persistence.

– Albert Ellis

"Are you sure you don't want me to get you anything, Lisa?" A confused Cole confirmed again.

"Yes, Cole, it's fine. You need to stop treating me so important. I am not your boss, Ian is." Lisa shrugged and giggled a little trying to hold a conversation with the committed employee. 

"Well technically, you are my boss's wife meaning you are my boss," Cole answered with a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. Lisa shook her head playful gesturing to him how stupid this conversation was getting. 

"Touché, touché" She replied chuckling before facing the hall again. They have been standing here for almost half an hour. She could see Ian standing with a group of people at the center of the hall, who seem to be having a serious conversation. 

"You still haven't told-" Cole started to speak but instead he was interrupted when his phone starting to ring "I have to take this. Give me a minute." He gestured before walking towards the free corner of the room. 

Lisa ran a quick look around, before realizing that she would be alone for some time now. She observed how different she was from this world. She didn't seem to fit in, while Ian was very comfortable standing by far and talking to the people. She knew it was probably because of the practice and the business but the feeling was still bothering her. 

"Is this seat taken?" A voice directed, almost, straddling the still looking Lisa. 

"No, you may have the seat." She replied taking a sip from her glass of water without bothering doing formalities with the person. 

"I am David by the way". The man stuck a hand forward in front of Lisa to shake making her finally turn towards him. 

"I am Lisa, Nice to meet you, David." She answered shaking his hand still paying not much heat to the man. 

"You all here by yourself Lisa?" David questioned with a smile tugging at his lips. 

"No, I am here with someone."

"Well, I don't see anyone here right now." He answered shrugging his hands in the gesture letting her know he didn't believe it. Lisa lead out a low giggle seeing how considerate the man is.

"Would you like to have a dance with me?" He offered again looking at the amused Lisa. He released a little laugh seeing the expression of the young lady. "What? It's just a dance. Come on, it will pass some time and then you can continue to wait for the person you are still waiting for." He gestured again. This time, Lisa took his hand letting him move her to the dance floor. The man was not bad, he had a light brown curly hair set properly with whatever gel he uses. He was wearing a black formal court with a white shirt inside. 

They reached the floor as he gestured towards Lisa as if asking if he could his hands around her waist. She nodded her head in agreement as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Both of them started moving in a light moment as the music continued. 

"What do you do for the living, Lisa?" He questioned her with a glance of calmness on his face.

"Well, I am an artist. Usually, I paint for exhibitions or sometimes if the clients demand so". She shrugged while answering. Her work was not very interesting that was the reason she never talked much about it. She loved to paint since her mother was the one who taught her but she had met some people who never really consider it as work, more like a part-time hobby. David pursed his lips in approval passing a genuine smile towards her. 

"Not bad Lisa, I am impressed." She laughed at his expression before saying a quick thank you. 

"David. Do you mind if I cut in? I think I want to have a dance with my wife." Ian's voice came from behind Lisa. His face showed no emotion, but he did have a frown on his forehead. She thought he wouldn't be free for some time. 

"Ian! My dear brother!" David answered as he removed his hands from Lisa, sarcastically answering to Ian. "Yes, of course, you can have a dance with your 'wife'. I would see you later Lisa." He winked at her before walking away. Ian didn't waste any time. As soon as David walked away, he walked forward and without warning placed his hands around her waist pulling her closer to him. Lisa couldn't figure out the look in his eyes, this was the very first time she had seen him with such integrity. 

"What were you doing Lisa?" His voice sounded as he was trying to stay calm and not shout out his words. 

"What do you mean?" Lisa confronted him innocently. "You were the one who had to leave" she continued. As a gesture, he pulled her even more close to her so as there was no space between both of them. 

"Weren't you the one who said 'Go ahead. I will see you in a while'?" He mimicked still with a frown across his face. 

"I...I was just looking out for you. You don't have to be tied to me." She answered looking away from him, refusing to meet his eyes. But Ian was not having any of that. He gently got hold of her face, making her face him again. 

"You need to stop this. Why don't you understand you are important to me? This was the last time you pulled this stunt. And why were you dancing with him?" Ian asked with a still look on his face. It probably looked to Lisa like he was jealous. Wait jealous?

"Are you jealous?" Lisa scrunched her eyes in confusion. He looked directly into her eyes not even trying to avoid his silence would mean a yes. 

"That didn't answer my question."

"And neither did you mine," Lisa replied back confidently. Ian raised his eyebrows at her with a surprising expression across his face. He stayed silent for a few moments before he responded again.

"I will. But first, we need to be somewhere." He said taking her hand in his, not waiting for her reply before walking both of them out of the room.     

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