Why Does It Feel Like Goodbye?

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"I said remove your filthy hands from her!" Liam shouted moving towards the already stunned couple. As Lisa expected Ian didn’t move don’t hands he just stood a lot further still keeping his hands on her.

"Father what- "

"Lisa, we can talk later first tell this bastard to get out of here!" Her father spoke again standing right in front of both of them. Lisa felt Ian's grip get a light tighter. He was afraid because he knew what was going to happen.

"She is my wife, I have every right to here." Ian defended himself though he knew he might not be favoured in this situation but all he got left to do was try.

"Not after you are the one responsible for her being here!" Liam spoke out of anger.

"Stop. I want to talk to you father." Lisa announced moving out of Ian’s grip.

"Lisa not now, we-"

"Ian I want to talk to him, please just leave." Lisa said without trying to make eye contact. It was hard for her as well, she wanted to ask her father everything he knew about the accident or Hailee. But the only thing was, was she ready to know everything. Without saying anything against that, Ian left.

"I thought you were not coming." Lisa spoke as soon as she sat on the bed when they reached the room.

"Of course, I would come, you are my daughter. How did this happen Lisa?" Her father asked. His whole attire was changed. He didn’t look like someone who is just here for business sake like her father usually does but he really looked like a father here for his daughter.

"It was my mistake I didn’t see on the sides while crossing the road." She answered surprised to the way he was behaving.

"I came as soon as I can. What’s the matter Lisa? What did you wanted to talk about?" He asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Did you kill Hailee?" Lisa asked with her eyes closed. With her heartbeat racing up and down waiting for the answer.

"Yes" Liam answered crossing his hands over his chest. He gave the only answer Lisa didn’t want to hear. "But it was really just an accident, I didn’t purposely planned on killing her. Two years ago, I was driving home drunk. I was really upset that day because it was your mothers death anniversary. And I... I didn’t realise when she even came in front of my car but for any reason seeing her suddenly I couldn’t pull out the breaks on time and she got hit."

"Why didn’t you try to save her?" Lisa asked trying to suppress her falling tears.

"I might sound selfish but I knew you were home waiting for me. If I would have gone to help her, I might be in jail and you would have left with no one Lisa. I wouldn’t do that to you." Liam confessed taking a big sigh and seat on the next corresponding sofa.

"And she did too! She too had a family! She too had someone waiting for her! She was about to get married father! But you were too selfish to save that everything for her! I never complained of what a person you have become after mom's death but a monster, I didn’t expect you to become this."

"Lisa! I am your father! Watch the way you speak to me!" Liam shouted with his old attitude resurfacing.

"No. You have lost that right, No father of mine would have left a girl to die on the street. She could have been saved, she still could have been alive." She finished with tears trailing down her cheeks, she was hurt with everything and tired.

"What do you want me to do huh? I am sorry I messed up. I think about that night everyday, everyday Lisa! But there is nothing I could do to redo it. Nothing." Liam answered passing his hand through his hair in frustration. He too was tired living the life was regret and guilty every day.



"Confess to the police about what you did. Everything. Tell them about every detail. You would be free from this guilt father and Hailee would have her justice." She answered looking right to her father.

"I will do it. I would confess everything I did." Liam announced passing her a little smile then moving forward and placing a hand on her head

"You have changed Lisa, grown so much. Your mother would be very proud." The words were enough for her to fall in tears. She hugged her father instantly and the gesture was returned. It was the first time in years she had her father with her.

"I am sorry for everything I did to you, it’s the time to make things right." His father said kissing her forehead "I will see you soon Lisa, and the next time as your father figure." Liam said holding tears in his eyes, he was doing the right thing.

That was the last time she saw her father until the news came of how the famous business tycoon charged himself of the accidental murder case of Hailee Aylin. Liam was announced with 40 years long prison. It was a week since the accident and she still hadn’t seen Ian after that day. She felt that he had really let her go. He was not wrong entirely on his side. For some reason she understood what he was going through.

"Lisa hey," she heard Marie from the door entering her room. She had came to visit her almost everyday for the past week.

"Hey Marie, brought my pancakes?" Lisa asked clasping her hands together.

"Of course, special chocolate chips." She answered handing her the box of those to her.

"When are you coming home Lisa?" Marie asked suddenly bringing Lisa out of her trace. She smiled lightly before answering her.

"That is not my home anymore Marie. Please do me a favour and hand this off to Ian, please."  Lisa answered handing her an envelope.

"What is in it?"

"No questions please, just hand this to him today. It’s important to, please." Lisa asked taking in the hold of her hands.

"Okay, I will give this to him, but why does it feel like you are saying goodbye." Marie asked with tears in her eyes.

"Just for a while," Lisa answered before pulling her in a hug. "Take care, please."

Really close to the end people. Just some chapters left. Drop a comment if you want me to do sequel.

Thanks for reading!

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