Chapter 1

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"Help me! Dad, Mom, Uncle Gold! Please

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"Help me! Dad, Mom, Uncle Gold! Please." I whimpered out. I have been here for about 2 months. I had to fake my own death to help Mom, Dad, Uncle Gold and Dani be safe. Let me explain.


I stood in front of the doors to Music Room 3. I was here trying to get Dani so we could go home when I felt a gun go to the back of my head. I froze not knowing what to do. Suddenly the door opened and we walked in.

"Danielle Phantom! Your sister is in danger. You should come save her." A male voice rang out.

"Don't do it Dani, stay where you a-ahh!" I yelled out only to stop short when he hit me with the gun.

*Danielle's POV*

I was sitting with Honey and Mori when the door busted open. Hosing hours were over so it must be Jamie to get me.

"Danielle Phantom! Your sister is in danger. You should come save her." A male voice rang out.

"Don't do it Dani, stay where you a-ahh!" She yelled out only to stop short when he hit her with a gun.

"Jamie! Are you okay?!" I asked.

'Mom, Dad! Jamie is in trouble come quick! She has a gun to her head!' I said telepathically.

"Danielle, your time is running out. Save her or let her die."He said. Jamie smiled sadly.

"Dani, tell mom and dad I love them. I also love you!" She said crying.

What do you all think of the first chapter. What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter?

Remember I don't own anything but the plot and Jamie...


Jamie Phantom and the Justice League (OHSHC x DP x JL crossover)Where stories live. Discover now