Chapter 4

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Nightwing and the team just showed up, Dad walked to us

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Nightwing and the team just showed up, Dad walked to us.

"Where is she?" He asked. Danny walked away with all of us following. That's when I noticed a group of teens following. Suddenly, Walker busted in and so did some humans in white. Oh no!

*NO P.O.V*

"Tamaki, get behind us!" Honey yelled as Tamaki went to introduce himself.

"We are the Guys In White. We've come for the girls! Danielle and Jamie!" Agent N yelled.

"You can't have them! They are living girls, so you can't take them." White and Danny yelled.

"Dani, run! Go to Pandora or Clockworks." White told Danielle. She nodded and flew away.

"Damn! She's getting away, Walker! Go get her! NOW!" Agent N yelled trying to shoot White and Nightwing.

"Dad! Help!" Jamie yelled as she was taken by a GIW agent.

"Jamie!" 5 voices yelled out. Batman, Danny, White, Nightwing and Superboy.

"Dad! Help! Please!" Jamie yelled as Jack Fenton had her.

"Let her go, now! You have broken into our homes and made ghosts turn on other ghosts. You have attacked the King of Sirens, King of Ghost Zone and the princesses of the Ghost Zone. Now you've made me angry." Danny and White said together.

Danny and White grabbed each other's hands and let out a yell. It was Danny's ghostly wail and White's sonic siren scream. It knocked out Jamie. Suddenly everyone in the room was knocked out but the GIW. They grabbed Jamie and ran.


It's been 2 months, I'm now a lab rat, so....yeah, life's good.

"Subject #6283 get up! It's time for tests again. You also need to behave, we have a class on a field trip here today!" Agent J (Jack Fenton) said as he kicked me. I was chained to the wall in my underclothing. You could see all the cuts, scars and bruising along my body. Suddenly, I saw two people I never thought I would see again.

What do you all think of the fourth chapter. What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter?

Remember I don't own anything but the plot and Jamie...


Jamie Phantom and the Justice League (OHSHC x DP x JL crossover)Where stories live. Discover now