Chapter 3

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*Dani's POV*

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*Dani's POV*

"Okay, so do you all have any questions for me?" I asked as we all were in the castle waiting for Jamie.

"How old are your parents?" Haruhi asked.

"Dad is 20, and mom is 19." I said, as they all gaped at me.

"HOW!? You look 17, and Jamie looks 18!" The twins said.

", we aren't actually human. We are both clones, Jamie was made first. She wasn't stable and needed blood of a ghost and a siren. Dad gave her blood of a ghost and our uncle gave him the blood of a siren. Me on the other hand, I had to have the blood of a human and a ghost to stabilize me. So I got moms human blood and dads ghost blood. I'm a mix of ice ghost and plant ghost, while Jamie is part ice ghost and part siren, but Jamie usually has help controlling her powers. She usually has our uncles help. His name is White, but his hero name is Gold Siren." I said.

*Honey's POV*

"Are you talking about me squirt?" A voice rang out.

"Uncle White! Hey, I thought you were busy?" Dani said as a man with blue eyes: white hair, chains decorated pants, a cape, and gold skintight shirt, crown, and chain around his neck, black fingerless gloves and black combat boots came in. He looked like an angel.

"Guys, this is my Uncle White, he's the Gold Hearted Siren King." Dani said to us before turning back to her uncle. "Have you seen dad yet? Did Lena and Krinos make it back okay too?" He smiled and laughed. She looked shocked.

"They are fine. Danny! How've you been?" He said as Danielles father walked in.

"I could be better. White I called you here because of Jamie. Since she is part siren if I healed her it would only heal her ghost half." Danielle's dad said.

*Whites POV*

I was sitting with Lena and Krinos when I felt a sirens power go low. Oh no, it was Jamie.


"Danielle Phantom!"

"I love you Dani."




All of it, I was able to feel it all. She had been shot twice. Once in the back, then in the chest. I came back to see Lena and Krinos to see they felt it too.

"White...Was that...Was that Jamie?" Lena asked. I nodded, too shocked to speak.

"She's in the Ghost Zone now." Krinos said. I nodded and felt.

My pendant glowed as Dani called Nightwing and I.

What do you all think of the third chapter. What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter?

Remember I don't own anything but the plot and Jamie...


Jamie Phantom and the Justice League (OHSHC x DP x JL crossover)Where stories live. Discover now