Chapter 2

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Screaming. All I heard was screaming.

"You monster! You shot my daughter! Why?!" Mom yelled crying.

I ran over to Jamie's body and covered the wounds, slowly calling on my frost powers to try and stop the bleeding. I was crying while dad ran to me and mom was fighting the man.

"Dad! She's getting paler! What do we do?!" I asked freaking out.

" C-Calm down Dani! We just need to get her help. We need to get her to Frostbite." Dad said, i nodded.

"Dani! What it going on?!" Tamaki yelled at me. I looked at dad and he nodded. We changed into our ghost forms.

Danny's outfit changed from jeans and a red shirt to dark black jeans, a black hoodie with the DP logo in white. His sleek black hair turned to a snow white with a streak of black and the Crown of Fire on, he also has the Ring of Rage on his left ring finger.

Sam's outfit changed from a black skirt and purple shirt to a green dress with vines running up her legs and hips. Her hair grew about 6-7 inches and on top her head was the Crown of Queens and on her left finger was the Ring of Sapphire.

Danielle's outfit changed from a blue blazer with a white undershirt and black dress pants to a long black dress with a list up the left leg. I had the DP logo on the bottom of the dress as well. My sleek back hair also turned a snow white with a streak of black.

"Dani we need to go! She's fading!" Dad yelled. I nodded and turned to the club.

"I am so sorry I never told any of you. Kyoya, I know you knew the whole time and i want to thank you for keeping me secret. I will explain but I need you to come with me. If not okay but I need to go." I said opening the portal. I had to make it big enough for all of us to go. It had to go to the Far Frozen but I usually only go to Grandma Pandora's or Grandpa Clockworks so the Far Frozen drains my powers.

"Dani! Come on!" Karou yelled as they were in the portal. Tamaki was still debating on coming or not.

"Senpai! Come on! Look at her! She can't hold it much longer!"Haruhi yelled.

I'm getting weak.

"Dani, come on! Don't force yourself! Tamaki get in here!" Kyoya yelled.

I'm seeing black.

I was just about to pass out when Mori grabbed Tamaki and ran back to the portal and once he was in there Karou grabbed me and pulled me in right as it clashed and I saw no more.

*Danny's POV*

"Mr. Dani's dad! Help, Dani passed out and her heart is slower than what it was!" The girl said, panting a little. We both ran to her.

"DANI PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US!" Honey yelled with Dani's head in his lap as he was crying.

"Okay, quit feeding off their emotions. You know better." I told her. She nodded, opening her eyes.

What do you all think of the second chapter. What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter?

Remember I don't own anything but the plot and Jamie...


Jamie Phantom and the Justice League (OHSHC x DP x JL crossover)Where stories live. Discover now