Chapter 6

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We did it, finally we saved Jamie. Phantom and Siren didn't know what Bruce and I were doing. We put a tracking in her nose piercing and we were planning on how to destroy the G.I.W.

Walking in the door to the room was Bruce and I with Jamie. I was carrying her while Bruce went to get a stretcher.

"Conner, how did you save her?" Gar asked.

"Bruce and I went and saved her from the GIW." I said putting her on the stretcher Bruce brought.

I heard a bang from the corner as I saw a flower bloom from the wall as Kranos walked out with Lena and White.

"Conner, I know you saved her, where is she?" White asked.

"With Bruce, she was cut up so much." I said.

"Where is your shirt?" Lena asked.

"Jamie is wearing it. When Bruce and I found her, she was basically naked. So, I gave her my shirt." I said. White looked like he was going to kill someone. We could all tell he was trying not to.

"Had she know..." White said as Lena looked way knowing what he meant.

"Y-Yeah...I wanna say no but I know you can tell when someone is lying." I said.

He nodded at me and looked at Krinos. Oh no.

"So we're going to kill them, right?" Krinos asked. White nodded at him.

"You do know we should check on Jamie, right" Lena said, as we all nodded.

Sorry its a bit short but I was trying to write another story I might put on here...


Jamie Phantom and the Justice League (OHSHC x DP x JL crossover)Where stories live. Discover now