chapter twenty-nine: sisters before misters

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  "And in this moment, I swear, we are infinite." ~The Perks of Being a Wallflower 


Kelsey waited in LAX for what seemed like forever, watching people get yelled at as they went through security. She had to admit it was entertaining. 

One man had to get his bag thoroughly checked because the detectors had gone off. As it turned out, he'd borrow his carry-on from a friend, and his friend had left a full tube of toothpaste in the bottom of a pocket.

The man was irate, and even took to calling his friend in the middle of the airport to yell at him.

Kelsey was lost in thought when she caught sight of a faded blue hoodie.

She stood up and waved her arm wildly. "Jacob!"

A smile broke across his face as he picked up his pace. "My dude!"

She hugged him tightly before holding him at arm's length. "You look tired."

"I haven't slept all week!" he cried.


"Lol, no," he muttered, "I had three essays due before I left."

He lifted onto his toes and looked around. "So where's Mr. McHottypants?"

Kelsey rolled her eyes. "He's at home with his sister. She got in early this morning."

"Ah, yes, the sister," he said, dragging his carry-on behind him as if it had wheels. "Is she cute?"

Kelsey stopped and turned him towards her. "Jacob, seriously. Don't be a creep."

"I'm just kidding, Kel," he sighed. "I'm not that kinda guy. I'm far too busy to be interested in relationships. Is she nice, though? Or is she crazy?"

"Haven't met her yet."

They left the airport and as soon as Jacob felt the air, he stopped. "Ugh. It's so hot."

Kelsey laughed. "Welcome to California."


Kelsey and Ethan had already planned it all out: on the first day, they'd all get together at Ethan's apartment, have pizza delivered, and break the ice.

"I've never met a movie star before," Jacob commented as they drove.

"You got to meet Michael Jackson's talents agent that one time," Kelsey said.

"Okay, yeah, but Ethan Glenn," he sighed.

Kelsey pulled into the parking lot and laughed. "He's just a normal guy."

"And you've kissed him! Imagining that—"

She slammed on brakes, throwing Jacob forward. "Oops. Sorry."

Nervousness fluttered in Kelsey's stomach as she and Jacob walked up the stairs to Ethan's apartment. She wanted Jacob to like Ethan, but more importantly, she wanted Ethan's sister to like her. She held a tray of cookies she'd baked and the smell made her mouth water.

Ethan's sister would have to like her if she brought cookies. Right?

She knocked on the door and a few seconds later, Ethan answered.

He gave Kelsey one of his heart-stopping smiles, before looking at Jacob.

Jacob hesitated for a moment, and Kelsey saw a starstruck glaze in his eyes for the briefest moment.

Ethan extended a hand. "Hey, I'm—"

"Ethan Glenn," Jacob interrupted, straightening like a board, clasping his hands behind his back, and lifting an eyebrow. "The gentleman who insists on courting my fair sister."

His bashfulness certainly didn't last long.

Ethan shot Kelsey a fearful look. She shrugged.

Jacob proceeded to walk a circle around Ethan, who was looking increasingly worried.

"Jacob," Kelsey snapped.

Jacob immediately relaxed his posture and laughed. He shook Ethan's hand heartily and said, "Just kidding, man, what's up?"

Ethan gave a relieved laughed and clapped Jacob on the shoulder. "You really got me there."

Kelsey felt like dying. Why was he such an idiot? But Ethan seemed genuinely amused by the act.

Ethan ushered them inside and Kelsey saw a young woman at the counter, typing on a laptop.

She looked up at Kelsey and Jacob and immediately shrunk back for a second before reluctantly sliding off her chair, rubbing her sweater-clad arm.

"This is Carissa," Ethan said.

She looked exactly like her brother, but with more petite features and round glasses.

Kelsey gulped and stepped forward, going in for a hug, but then chickening out and extending a hand. "Hi, I'm Kelsey."

"Hi," Carissa muttered with a faint smile.

Kelsey's heart pounded. Did she already not like her?

"I brought cookies," she blurted. As if that magically smoothed things over.

A knowing smile settled on Ethan's face and he patted his sister's shoulder. "Hey, why don't you and Jacob get a game of Scrabble set up?"

She shot him a terrified glance before firming her lips.

She took in a breath, and surveyed Jacob. "Okay. The games are this way."

Jacob followed her with a furtive glance behind him.

Kelsey and Ethan went into the kitchen and Kelsey buried her face in her hands. "I'm so sorry."

"Woah, why are you sorry?" Ethan asked, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"I want her to like me," Kelsey said.

Ethan smiled. "She does like you."

"Oh really? Well, I'd hate to see her if she hated me."

"You don't understand," Ethan chuckled. "She's super shy. Once she gets used to you, you won't be able to shut her up. I promise."

Kelsey looked up at him and raised her eyebrows. "No offense, but I don't have a great track record with your friends."

"You and Becca are friends."

She sighed.

Ethan leaned down and kissed her softly. "Just don't worry. Be you."

Kelsey thought for a moment. "Maybe I'll let her win at Scrabble."


Hey guys! And thank you all SO MUCH for your encouraging words every week and for taking the time to read my work! It means the world to me <3

~How do you think this new team is going to operate? XD

~Do you think Carissa will come out of her shell?

~General thoughts?

Again, THANK YOU! Love you guys! {Don't forget to comment, vote, and share!}

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