chapter thirty-five: the ole razzle dazzle

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  "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim." 

~Finding Nemo 


"Breathe," Ethan said.

"Right. Got it. I'm fine."

"Just a little longer, then we're home free," he promised.

They went up the couple steps to the platform where Kelsey was met with an expanse of people cloaked in darkness.

What looked like lightning flashed every second, temporarily blinding Kelsey like a deer in headlights.

The noise wasn't as powerful as it was on the carpet, but now everyone was shouting at her and Ethan directly.

"Ethan, over here! Over here!"

"Kelsey, give us a smile! Turn this way!"

Kelsey's smile was frozen onto her face and she looked at every camera she could.

She felt like she was stuck on Broadway, forced to stand before an expectant audience, without a singing voice to entertain them.

"You okay?" Ethan whispered in her ear.

"Uh-huh," she replied.

He turned back towards the camera for a second, before leaning back towards her. His breath was warm against her skin. "Maybe we should've brought Roadkill along for the ride."

Kelsey chuckled. "You sure about that? I'm pretty sure he'd steal your spotlight."

A few moments later, they were ushered off the platform.

Kelsey wondered how much longer until they were in the theater.

A line of cameras was arranged in front of another backdrop, where celebrities were answering questions.

I can do this, I can do this.

A reporter dressed in a tight red gown immediately made eye contact with them and raced over before anyone could get to them.

"Hey Ethan," she said, "I'm Natasha Juniper!"

"Hi, Natasha."

"You look amazing!" She whirled towards Kelsey. "And we have a newcomer on the carpet tonight!"

Kelsey gave a strangled laugh.

"How are you feeling tonight, Kelsey? We've all been waiting for your first appearance together, and let me just say that you both look stunning!"

Kelsey didn't know whether or not to answer her first question, so she just said, "Thank you."

"Now, I have to ask, who are you wearing tonight, Ethan?"

"Prada," he replied. Kelsey thought the word sounded so strange coming from Ethan's mouth.

"What about you, Kelsey?"

Kelsey startled and looked at her. "Me?"

"Yes! Your dress is absolutely fabulous!"

Panic fled through Kelsey's veins. She'd never thought to look at her stupid tag. Becca had said it wasn't name-brand—should she have Ethan look? No, that would be too embarrassing.

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