chapter thirty-eight: tears

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 "It's amazing, Molly. The love inside, you take it with you."



Becca saw Ethan sitting in the hallway, head down, shoulders slumped. She slowed in her tracks, inhaling sharply, but holding back her emotions.

"Hey," she said.

Ethan looked up. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was as white as the sterile walls surrounding them.

Ethan rubbed his face and straightened. "Hey."

Becca gulped and placed her golden clutch in her jap before sitting down next to him.

The hospital made her skin crawl. The pink and turquoise color scheme was almost maddening, especially up against the bright multicolored handprints lining the floor. But she tried not to think about it.

She was here for Ethan.

And Kelsey...

"Have you heard anything?" she asked.

"No," he replied weakly. His voice sounded like he had a cold, or as if he'd been crying for a long time.

Becca put her hand on his shoulder. "C'mon, she's gonna be fine, honey."

Ethan shook his head miserably. "The doctor said she had fluid in her lungs and a crap ton of other things wrong with her." He met her gaze for the first time, his face the image of the pain Becca felt on the inside. "It was a bad wreck, Becca."

Becca swallowed. Kelsey couldn't die. That wasn't how it worked. "I think we need a cup of coffee, don't you?"

She grabbed his hands and hauled him to his feet. "There you go, buster."

They made their way down to the cafeteria and Becca subconsciously picked up the bright green bustle on her skirt to keep it from dragging the floor. There was no telling what was on this disgusting tile.

"I'll get it," Ethan offered. "What do you want in yours?"

Becca eyed the Mr. Coffee pot and the generic sugar packets. It wasn't exactly her French press. "I'll just have it black, sweetie."

She sat down at one of the many empty tables in the corner and folded her hands across the surface.

She bit the inside of her cheek, fending off the tears that sprung to her eyes when she thought about Kelsey. She'll be fine, she'll be fine.

"Here you go." Ethan placed a steaming cup in front of her and she wrapped her chilly hands around the warm Styrofoam.

"You know, I assumed the hospital in Grey's Anatomy was just a stereotype," she quipped, "but this is worse. A patient could have a heart attack just from the lack of color coordination."

Ethan offered a smile that barely reached his cheeks before settling back into silence.

"What happened between you two?" Becca ventured.

Ethan blinked and looked at her. He sighed heavily. "It was all my fault."

"Did you get into a fight?"

Ethan nodded. "Althea showed up."

Becca gasped and launched to her feet. "No! Please tell me you're joking?!"

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