chapter thirty-two: sunsets

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"You are who you choose to be."



Kelsey waited pensively at a quaint café an hour outside of L.A..

Her heart fluttered quickly every once in a while at the thought of seeing Sandy.

Kelsey had texted her a week ago, asking her if she wanted to have lunch and catch up.

She'd tried to sound casual in hopes of not making their meeting awkward.

She pulled out her phone after ordering a second glass of water and scrolled through their messages.

Kelsey—Hey Sandy! Just wanted to check in and see how you were doing; I know it's been a while. I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner one night. I know you're busy, but I'd love to see you sometime.

She'd wanted to add that she missed her. But did she?

Sandy—hi. nice to hear from you. maybe we can go to Le Belle, it's an hour away from me. im busy most evenings, so it would have to be lunch.

Kelsey had agreed, and now she sat, alone, at a fancy café with Sandy nowhere in sight.

She checked her watch.

Sandy was supposed to be there almost twenty minutes ago.

Kelsey swirled the black straw around in her glass, watching the women pass by dressed in expensive clothes.

She couldn't help but think how strange it was that she ended up here, in L.A.. She didn't fit into any of the spaces that California molded, yet she was finding her own piece to the puzzle. And she was slowly beginning to like it.

"Hey," a voice said.

Kelsey straightened and turned towards Sandy. Her voice didn't carry the shrill, Valley Girl tone it used to. Instead, it was cold and hollow.

Sandy wore a pair of orange jeans with a gaudy diamond belt at the waist. Her white shirt bloused at the bottom and highlighted a chunky jewel necklace that was tied around the collar. Her hair perfectly curled hair framed her flawless face of makeup, as usual. But she was thinner than she used to be.

Her cheeks were sunken in and her overall frame was boney. All former evidence of vivacity was completely gone from Sandy's appearance.

"Hey Sandy!" Kelsey said, standing up and giving her a hug.

Sandy gave a pink-lipped smile and sat down. "Long time no see."

They struggled to make conversation for the first few minutes before ordering their food.

"How's Northern California?" Kelsey twisted her napkin absentmindedly in her lap.

"It's fine," Sandy replied. "I like it. Not as picturesque as L.A. but," she shrugged a shoulder.

"Are you happy there?" Kelsey dared.

Again, Sandy shrugged. "Alex is doing well for himself, I guess. He somehow got the bank to give him another loan, so he hired some people to work the vineyard. I make most of the money, but we get along."

"But are you happy?" Kelsey pressed, not sure if she was crossing a boundary.

Sandy gave a half smile. "Ah, Kel... you haven't changed. I thought maybe L.A. would take a little of that hopeless optimism out of you, but you're still as naïve as ever."

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