The Curse

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Hermione walked up to stairway that lead to Dumbledore's office. She had made sure that she had the ingredients and the sample of blood from Harry and Ron in her pocket.
"Sherbert Lemon." She whispered. 
The phoenix wings moved aside revealing the stairway which she walked up, leading to Dumbledores office.
Meanwhile, Harry and Ron went off to find Luna and Hannah. As they walked down the hallway, Harry spotted an owl staring at them from the far end of the corridor. It seemed to be the same owl from the library the other night. The owl then flew away just as Harry and Ron turned a corridor.

Hermione stood beside the door listening for any noise from inside the office. She heard nothing. She turned the handle and walked in. She was half expecting to see professor McGonagall there but nobody was there. The room was cold. It felt empty without Dumbledore. She began to get the ingredients out of her pocket. She put the blood and other bits and pieces together into a vial. Now she needed to add a stop of her own blood and to chant the spell. If it went right, the smoke would engulf the Sorting hat, putting it under the Allegience curse. She was going to do the final not in front of Harry and Ron.
Hermione's hands were shaking uncontrollably. She took a deep breath.
"Miss Granger!" greeted the Sorting hat, causing Hermione to gasp I surprise.
"You seem like your up to no good." The hat sneered. 
"What makes you say that?" Hermione stuttered.
She picked up the hat and placed it in the table directly in front of her.
"I knew that sooner or later Slytherin would eat your soul up. It seems that Slytherins effect on you has been worse than I expected."
Hermione ignored this.
"I am going to need the Diadem and the Cup." Hermione explained.
"AHH,  I see what your doing." The hat frowned.
"I think that you could pull the Ravenclaw's Diadem out yourself." The hat chuckled.
"Perhaps Ravenclaw or Gryffindor would have done you better of than slytherin." The hat sighed.
"Your messing with my head. You want me to stop!" Cried Hermione in despair.
"Oh I'm not going to ask you to stop Miss Granger. I probably know best that once a slytherin has gone down this path, they will not stop before their motives are complete." The hat said.
"I am not that sort of person." Whispered Hermione, anger and despair bubbling up in her.
"Or am I?" She thought.

When were Harry and Ron going to come? Hermione thought.
At that moment, the sorry opened and Harry, Ron, Luna, Hannah and Neville walked in.
Hermione sighed wth relief. She felt dirty on the inside. She could not do this. Perhaps she didn't need control. She didn't want control over Hogwarts anymore. She just wanted to get rid of Voldemort.

Harry and Ron instructed Luna to pull out the Diadem. The hat grunted in frustration. Luna looked skeptical of this plan but she obeyed. The hat began babbling on about rules whilst Luna extracted the Diadem. It was small and pretty.  Hermione delicately placed it on the table. Next was Hannah. The hat seemed to have given up. It could not have done much to stop them anyway. Hannah then pulled out the cup. It was smaller than they expected but it glimmers in the dark.
"WHY do I have to take out the sword?" Neville questioned.
"Just do it if you want to help us stop Voldemort." Harry said, frustrated. 
Neville then closed his eyes and put his hand in the hat. He triumphantly pulled out the sword. The trio had all the objects placed on the table.
Luna, Hannah and Neville began to ask several questions.
With one spell, Ron knocked them all out cold.
"That was unnecessary." scolded Hermione.
Ron shrugged. 
"OK Hermione. Put the drop of blood in and perform the curse." Harry instructed.
Hermione's hands shook. She couldn't. She wouldn't. What was she going to do?
Harry and Ron groaned in frustration as Hermione froze. She couldn't bring herself to do it.
"I'll just do it." Ron volunteered.
He walked up to Hermione to take the stuff of her.
At that moment, just behind them a voice shouted "STOP!"
The trio froze and turned around.

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