Brown Girl Problems 101 - Episode 7

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★{ Heeriye ~ Meet Bros

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{ Heeriye ~ Meet Bros. }

( ~ Does Anyone Still Listens To This Song? )

When I was little I just wanted to dance around. At school or at home. With all this Hindi music stuck in my head. To even sing it.

But I sing like a goat and dance like a cow. Well, I used to. Now I can sing and dance very well. But there is a problem.

I got older and I really want to sing and dance at school. But I know they would laugh and look at me weird. And you can't dance at school because they record you nowadays.

It's really annoying but then instead you dance at home in your room when no one is watching. And then your mother comes saying what the hell are you doing?

Or your father. And they think it's annoying or just don't like you dancing. So when your home alone you do it. Or with your friends.

Or any of your cousins or family members. It just upsetting that they don't like it.

I mean my parents sing but they don't like it when I sing because they don't want me to be a singer.

They dance but they don't want me to dance because they don't want me to be a dance.

I know those are career choices and I know I wouldn't choose them. It's just who I am.

Sometimes I think parents take what we like and give us our dislikes. I like to cook, they sometimes don't allow me to cook.

I like to sing and dance and they push that out. I love to read and they take the book. Because they think other things are important.

For me as in writing books. But I love to write. But then again there they are asking me who am I texting or what am I writing.

It's really none of their business but they still do that. Well, my mother does. They think I shouldn't have friends or text anyone because they aren't important than my studies.

I just say "do you even study, did you study, no so shut up.". Oh, how I wish to say that. I'll literally be the happiest person alive.

But no. I don't talk back. They are scary.

I don't even want to see them making me lose my interest in things. It's like I'm still losing them today. But you know what. I'm going to keep pushing myself to keep the things I love.

Because I know they can't into my life business and life purpose. They can't even get into my own world.


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