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Keith sighed as he stared down at his phone discreetly, quickly hiding it away to pay attention to the businessmen surrounding the table again. He couldn't believe Lance had asked him to sext at a time like this...just because he got horny all the time didn't mean Keith always had time on his hands to satisfy his sexual needs; even though Keith was definitely feeling the heat in his nether regions from that request. He would definitely take Lance up on his offer later.
"Let us take a quick recess." One of the men suggested, slapping his black binder shut. The businessmen filed out of the room as Keith sat back in his seat and sighed. Thank god. Even though the meeting was only being put to a pause for the businessmen to buy their time discussing and scheming how to make the newest business firm benefit them over all the others, he was glad for the brief pause of relief...
He perked up immediately, professionalism back in tact only to see Lance running over to him with a bright smile on his face.
"Lance?" He stood quickly to accept his embrace, kissing the side of his head. "What are you..."
"I came to the meeting! To see you! I've been waiting outside!" He exclaimed, posing with a hand against his chest as if he were super proud of himself. Keith, on the other hand, just twitched an eyebrow.
"You sat outside of my meeting area, texting me during the meeting, and...what is wrong with you?!"
Lance waved off his fury all too easily, pulling him back to his chair and sitting him down with a pat of his shoulders. "Now, now, don't get your panties in a bunch. You must be stressed from the meeting. Let me make it up to you!"
"Lance, the meeting will begin again soon. You should lea—!" Keith sucked his breath in with a gasp as Lance pulled down his dress pants, revealing his semi-hard cock.
"Hmm, so my sexting worked and got you half hard, hm? That's no good, you can't do business with your cock like this; probably. I'm not the business major here, after all."
"L-Lance, put" Keith sighed and leaned back in his seat when Lance took his cock into his mouth, sucking lightly while pumping his cock into a quick erection. His tongue swirled it around in that sinful way that Keith loved before finally popping out of his mouth with a wet plopping sound.
"It's always so easy to get you hard."
"Shut it. Have you had your fun? You need to go—"
"You really can't do business with this now, huh?" Lance ignored him and went back down on his cock, provoking a hiss from Keith as businessmen began sounding from outside the door.
"Lance, you need to leave—"
His boyfriend gave a particularly loud moan around his cock as men filed into the room, and Keith quickly kicked Lance beneath the table and scooted forward with a nervous smile on his face.
They nodded at him, unsuspicious for the time being. "Let us begin again, then."
There was a soft nibble against the head of his cock, and Keith felt his heart drop to his stomach. No way...he wouldn't...
He would.
Keith chewed into his lower lip, attempting to reach beneath the table to tug Lance's hair, but there was no way he could do anything without drawing attention as all the men turned to him.
"What do you think? As your youngest businessman here, surely you have a more focused view of the teenager market?"
Sweat was trickling down the back of his neck, and he nearly squealed as Lance sucked him harder, taking his cock father into the back of his throat. Fuck, usually he loved Lance's lack of a gag reflex, but now, well, he just hated how much he loved it.
"Ah...yes...well, the, adolescent groups are..." He took several deep breaths, brows furrowed. All he needed to do was turn the conversation over to someone else. It was awful; he was a businessman, he needed to be doing the talking, the convincing. He needed to be in control. But in this case, in this state, he couldn't.
"...I've been seeing a recent craze around dick..." His heart stopped, and he felt Lance muffle a chuckle into his dick. Fuck. "...tion. Diction. In...internet memes. Dan, perhaps your internet infographics can tell us more..."
As a professional businessman, Dan was eager to take him up on the chance to speak. Everyone immediately lost interest in Keith's inability to contribute to the conversation, and he felt frustration trickling away at his patience...and that was in turn taking away from his stamina.
Lance's hands were fondling his balls now, squeezing and massaging and tugging while his mouth worked his cock like a fine-tuned suctioning device. Within several minutes, Keith could feel the core his stomach bubbling up with an approaching need for release.
"Mr. Kogane, you seem a bit under the weather. Are you alright?" One of the businesswomen asked, clearly just trying to get a leg up on him by throwing him under the bus. Still, he couldn't blame her for the question; sweat was pouring down his face, and he was constantly wiping it from his forehead.
All other pairs of eyes turned to him, and he found his hips jerking forward slightly into Lance's mouth as that tight throat took him in more and more.
"I...yes, I'm fine. Please, let us continue the meeting. What's that thing you were saying about healthier chewing gum, Dan?"
The room didn't seem convinced, but they clearly weren't interested enough in Keith to spend time listening to him. Unfortunately, that disinterest wouldn't last long as Lance deep throated him hard and grinded his face into Keith's crotch.
The boy let out a muffled moan against Keith, and that officially sent him over. He bucked his hips into that horrifically wonderful mouth, cursing under his breath as hot cum shot out of him. Lance's throat clenched and pulsed around his cock, as if milking him in that way only he could, and Keith screwed his eyes shut harder as the white pleasure rendered him deaf and blind.
After the first several shots, he began panting and coming back down, though his cock continued to pump more strings of seed into Lance's mouth as he glanced around him at the businessmen, who were watching him like he was an alien.
Keith's face flushed even redder than it had been before as he felt Lance swirl his tongue around his head, as if cleaning him off. Then, he pushed Keith's cock back into his pants and kissed his crotch goodnight.
"...please excuse me." He bowed his head and darted out of that room, borderline hyperventilating, feeling no remorse for just leaving Lance beneath the table by himself.
He rushed straight into the bathroom to splash water on his face, and when he looked into the mirror, his eyes were glinting with violent promises of vengeance.
Lance was going to pay so hard for this stunt tonight.

Tumblr: charlottexoyates

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