chapter 1

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I pulled my hair up in a ponytail as I walked through the doors of the hospital. A look of displeasure on my face when I saw that the clinic was packed. not a chance in hell am I doing that today.

My yellow converse walking quickly down the hall to my office. A pile of cases on my desk greeting me as I walked it.

None of them were even remotely interesting as I flicked through them. Tumor , cancer , zinc poisoning ect,ect....

God would it kill them to find a good case. I usually do the cases that nobody can solve. The mystery ones.
I collapsed into my chair, putting my feet on the desk.

The door opened. I turned to see Mary ,a nurse I've grown to tolerate since I started working here.

"A new patient just came in" she pushed my feet off the desk , sitting on the edge of it." Sounded like something you might want" .

Mary tossed me the file. It landed on my chest harshly. The moment I opened it I groaned loudly.

"Oh for god sake" I got up from my chair to go to the patients room.

I walked annoyed to the patient's room. But just to annoy me further a read headed mans started to walk next to me yammering on about a camping trip he had.

"Would you please just shut up" I said exasperated , throwing my hand in the air with annoyance. " I don't have time t-". I stopped when I noticed the large tick on his neck.

I practically ripped to patient's file open again to look at the symptoms. Paralysis in both legs , slowly spreading,deep tendon reflexes decreasimg.

"TICK" I yelled happily jumping up and down , ignoring everyone looking at me like I was crazy. Well their not wrong.

I started running down the rest of the hallway and practically ripped the hinges off the door. The patient's parents jumped at my presence.

"Tick paralysis" I explained as I began to remove the IV. " its pretty self explanatory really , you have a tick somewhere that's messing with the nerves in your body. Once the tick is removed then you will be fine. I'll get a nurse to examine you soon".

"Really" the mother sassed. That can't be it. For god sakes".

I raised an eyebrow at her before walking out of the room.
I went to the nurses station to fill out the diagnosis on the file along with organize the examination to find the tick.

They all seemed to avoid me to no end. Well , everyone except Mary that is. I met her when she told me that I was talking to one of my hallucinations instead of a real person. It was a shame me and Steve were having a lovely conversation about my shoes.

We quickly became fast friends. She would tell me when I was talking to myself and I would scare away her rude patients when she was having a bad day.


Clinic hours were the worst. All the rude people thinking the Internet was a real doctor.

I hated them and they hated me , many for talking to the air.

Rather than suffer through that today, I chose to go to the morgue to get my snacks which I normally had to hide.

On the way I was having a lovely conversation with an elderly woman about books. Sadly she wasn't real either.

However the conversation was so good I chose to keep talking anyway

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However the conversation was so good I chose to keep talking anyway.

So when I walked through the doors of the morgue I was looking like a crazy woman talking to her imaginary friend.

Everyone in the room looked at me but I kept ignoring them as I got my snacks from the empty body bag I'd stored them in and left. All the while talking about books.

Sherlock was fascinated as he watched the woman walk around the morgue talking  to no one. She wore a white doctor's coat with black jeans and a blue button up shirt. But what really seemed strange to him was her shoes.

They were a bright yellow which seemed odd for her profession as a doctor.

As soon as she left the room Sherlock turned to face molly , looking for an explanation.

"Oh that's doctor strange" molly explained to both John and Sherlock. " she came here a month. I heard she's absolutely bonkers , always talking to herself as if a person was there".

"Interesting" Sherlock mutters as he looks at the door she just walked out of.

"Wait a minute , I've heard of her she's Marys friend. She talks about her all the time" john realised. "She always says it like having  another Sherlock" he jokes.

"Doubtful" said Sherlock as he resumed his experiment , changing the slide under the microscope.

"Well you'd never know would you ************

The entrance of the hospital was packed. All filled with people that were at work all day that finally had time for a check up.

I walked towards the door looking at the file in my hand. But I wasn't looking were I was going and dropped the file when I ran into someone.

"Sorry" we both said in union. I looked up at him as he helped me pick up the papers on the floor.

"Dr. Judith Strange" I introduced putting my hand out to shake his.

"Sherlock Holmes" he said shaking my hand." I saw you at the morgue ".

" oh. Well its nice to meet you but I have to go now" I said embarrassed that he'd seen me talking to myself. " maybe I'll see you around".

" most likely " Sherlock smiled at me as I walked out the doors of the hospital

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