chapter 4

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"YOU HAVE A WHAT" john shouted in surprise. He had only gone around the corner to get milk. But the moment he came back mary and sherlock seemed dead set on giving him a heart attack.

"A date john , do keep up will you" sherlock said in his baritone voice as if this was a regular occurance. He was now stretched out across the sofa with three nicotine patches on his arm.

"Mary are you hearing this" john all but screeched , flapping his arms around like a bird. "This CAN'T be real.".

"Oh but it is"mary teased walking towards him, kissing him on  the cheek sweetly. " and its brilliant isn't it".

"You both do know that I'm still here right. Also im not a child" moaned sherlock helplessly. "Now help me with my problem or leave" he sulked turning to face the wall in a huff.

"AWW sherlock. Of course we'll help , wont we john" mary cooed , moving to roll sherlock over so they could face him.

"Of course we will mate. Its just a HUGE surprise is all" said john , crouching down beside mary. They looked like two parents dealing with a troubled tennaged. Sherlock scowled at the two of them.

"So what exactly is the problem then"asked john. This was a first for him. Sherlock had never asked or even shown interest in women before. This may also be one of them most uncomfortable moments in his life if he had to tell sherlock about the birds and the bees.

Sherlock huffed dramatically before answerimg. "I asked her out and she said yes"

"Who" asked john confused.

"Judith who else would it be. Do keep up John" sherlock said as if it were obvious.  "Anyway, I never asked when the date was. Do you see the problem?".

"Yes sherlock i see the problem" john sassed. Mary rubbed sherlocks shoulder as a sign of support.  After all its not everyday that he puts himself out there."enough boys. John help him".

"Yes john help me"

John pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration before looking back at his friend. John had never seen his look so miserable before. "Did you call her,".

"I dont have her number" sherlock whined.

"Oh for god sakes" john muttered."mary do you have Judith's phone number".

"No I dont honey"

This didn't leave them with many options. "What about visiting bher at work".

"Like a surprise date" asked sherlock, moving to sit up. " that might work. She liked it when I surprised her with coffee".

"No sher-"

Sherlock ignored them as they continued talking.  A surprise date was perfect to him.


Judith decided to spend her day off lounging around her apartment with her brother/roommate edward of Eddie for short. He was the only real family she had seeing as she was estranged from her parents.

The two were happy to sit on the sofa in silence watching movies al day. Both hadnt spend time together recently with work.

"So who was that guy you went out with last night" eddie asked stuffing popcorn in his mouth." Must be some guy to go out with you"

Judith hit his arm playfully. "He was a friend"

"Oh please. You were on a date and you know it. Now whats his name".eddie turned to look at her. Waiting for an answer. "Tell me or I'll tickle you" he warned.

Judith shuffled down the sofa away from eddie.she didnt want to be tickled. "Sherlock" she finally answered not looking at him. "His name is sherlock holmes ".

"As in th-"

"Yes as in the consulting detective" she finished.

Eddie's eyes widened I surprise.  His sister was dating thee  sherlock holmes.

"No way. So when are you going out again".

"No idea. It was nice though , I actually had a really nice time for once. He didnt even treat me like a crazy person and he laughed at me when I told him about my wierd hallucinations".

"Well good for you" eddie smiled at her. After so many failed dates amd relationships he was hlad his sister was finally opening up again.

"Great now stop hogging the popcorn" judith countered, snatchimg the bowl away from his.



"There is no popcorn. Its all in your head".

"I hallucinate people not food you dumbass"



The next time the two met was completely accidental. Sherlock was buying milk since he ran out.  He saw judith across the isle looking through cereals.

"Judith" sherlock greeted smiling at her as he walked closer to her.

"Sherlock hi. Never though I'd see you here" she smiled back. The store was quiet since it was 11 at night. "Last minute shopping or was it just a busy day".

Glad that she wanted to keep talking to him he smiled wider."busy day. John was going crazy"he lied , not wanting her to know that he was the one going crazy.

"What about"

"........lack of a case".

Judith raised an eyebrow at his lie but didnt ask any more about it.

Sherlock shuffled his feet nervously , he didn't  know what else to saw."out of cereal then" he asked , secretly scolding himself for asking.

"Yeah. I practically live of the stuff. I've no idea which one to get though" she said turning to lok back at the shelf."what about you'.

"Ran out of milk, victors spleen needed space in the fridge. Its for an experiment" he explained. Hoping that he hadn't scared her away."w-would y-you l-l-like to come over. I-i mean you have cereal I have milk soo?"

"Alright then" she said taking a random box off the self.

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