chapter 6

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I rushed down the hallway , narrowly avoiding the angry family of a very angry patient.  Apparently it's rude to tell her that her daughter is pregnant. How the hell was I supposed to know. If I made it to the morgue then I would be fine. I kept repeating it in my head like a mantr. But that seemed a bad idea now since the voices in my head kept yelling at me as if it was a race.

Soon the mortuary doors were in sight and I skidded to a halt to see if I was still being chased. The answer was yes so without wasting any more time I ran through the doors and jumped onto the metal shelve bodies were kept on , causeing it to go back into its cabinet.  Is quickly closed the metal door so I wouldnt be seen.

Sherlock looked up from the microscope he was using to watch her crazy antics. Barely concealing a laugh. It had only been three days and she was still the same.  John stood next to him looking in horror at what he saw.

They were both cut off when a woman barged through the doors. Her face was red with rage as she looked around like a blood hound."WHERE IS SHE!!!?" She barked as she spotted john and sherlock in the corner. "Who" sherlock asked a look of disinterest on his face. "THAT CRAZY LITTLE BLOND DOCTOR".

John turned to sherlock before answering "sorry nobody else has passed through here". The woman glared at them before leavimg in a huff. Sherlock looked at john "very good work john" he praised as if he were a dog even patting his head to annoy the man further.

"Alright,  alright let just get your little girlfriend out of the cabinet shall we???" He asked moving away from the tall brunette.

"Sounds like a good plan to me" I shouted from inside the cold metal cabinet. I was playing on my phone from boredom. Shivering from the cold, my doctors coat doing nothing to help.

The sound of her voice had both men jump slightly. Sherlock stood from his seat fixing his coat slightly then ruffling his curls causeing john to giggle.

He pulled the door open , pulling out the metal table judith was sitting on with her phone in her hand." Hello judith"

"Hello sherlock , hi john , thanks for the help that woman was chasing me for ages " I put my phone back in my pocket before continuing "I had to tell her her daughter is pregnant".

"No good case then?" Asked sherlock , helping her off the table gracefully putting her back on the ground. ""Worse , I got stick on clinic duty, so many people so little sanity". Sherlock chuckled at this.

"What about you two" I asked looking between the crime solving duo." Case or experiment".

"Case thank god , sadly not a good one we just solved it"

"We did?" John asked looking puzzled at the consulting detective.
"Yes john we did"

"Who was it so"

"The bulter john , it's always the butler" sherlock remarked looking at his friend as if it were obviously.

"Sounds like a bad crime novel" I joked , moving to look through the windows of the doors on my tippy toes. "So how did he die ?" I asked continuing the conversation.

"Poisoning" john asnswered before sherlock could.

"Now it really is a bad crime novel".

"Wellll" john said looking at the odd pair , understanding that sherlock wanted time alone with judith. "I'm gonna go find mary" he said leaving the morgue.

The pair looked at each other awkwardly as he left."hungry?" I asked trying to break the tension. "Is sorry what" he asked looking at me. "Well" I explained "I finished my case , you finished your case and I don't eat when I'm on a case sooo so you want to get food".

"Yes" sherlock breathed " I don't eat on cases either , it drivers John and mary crazy".

" I know right, my brother is the same way. He just doesn't get-"

"-that it slows you down" sherlock finished happily. "Exactly".

The pair continued to chat as the left the hospital , sherlock talking about the case and me talking about mine in the clinic.
"So where to" I asked as we walked through the hospital doors.

"Angelo's perhaps" sherlock asked himself , trying to think of when to go.

"I've been there" I said happily"the owner was nice , even told me when I was talking to my hullicinations , although he called them imaginary friends" I mused , hailing a taxi the both of us go in.

Sherlock , relieved that she agreed since janine didnt in the past
told the cabbie where to go. " I got him off a murder charge once"

"That was you. He told me once I think"

Sherlock laughed " let me guess he forgot to tell you he still went to prison for burglary".

"Actually yes".

The second they had walked through the door angelo had fussed over the two of us claiming were we 'perfect for each other '. We sat at a table by the window which had a candle with was supposedly more 'romantic'.

"So whats your brother like "asked sherlock curious to know more about the woman sitting across from him.

"Eddie" I answered looking around quickly " he's normal I suppose.  He's older than me , I'm the youngest of three. Eddie is the only family that talks to me the rest are estranged.  I actually share a flat with him . Last time I lived alone I forgot to to basic things like eat or sleep".

Sherlock refrained from digging further about her family.  It was clear to him her mental illness had something to do with why they are estranged.  "I have a brother to. He's a bit annoying though , always calls himself my arch enemy.

"I take it you dont get along then".

" Better than we used to I suppose.  Give him a cake and he'll be your best friend , just dont give him ginger nuts".


"Because I like them and will kidnap the whole packet" sherlock answered with a hit of seriousness in his voice. The duo looked at each other seriously before bursting into hysterical laughter.

"I'll keep that in mind" I giggled.

At the end of the night the pair walked back to judith's flat hand in hand. When they reached the door they both looked at each other. I looked at him guessing my next move " screw it" I leaned in kissing him softly. His lips were soft on mine and he responded to the kiss instantly , wrapping his arms around my waist to deepen the kiss. It soon got a little heated , we broke apart in need of oxygen. Sherlock  kissed my again, slower this time around." I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight judith" he said before stealing another quick kiss and walking away.

"Goodnight sherlock" I said back before entering my flat.

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