chapter 5

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"oh come on , clearly he's not the boy's father just look at his shoes" Judith yelled at the telly much to sherlock's surprise. "What a pile of idiots".

Sherlock burst out laughing as she crossed her arms and huffed , sinking back into the sofa. The pair had settled on the sofa in baker Street with bowls of cereal deciding to binge watch bad tv. She even yelled at the tv just as much as sherlock.

Soon it became a game of who could deduce more than the other.  Which quickly became a bad idea since it got a little too competitive.  Still it was a pleasant night.

"Yes agreed. Must be for more publicity" sherlock yawned tiredly , causing judith to yawn to. Sherlock glanced at judith out of the corner of his eye. She was sitting close to him , eyes glued to the screen. Slowly he raised arm and opened his mouth to yawn again.  Only this time he placed his arm around her as he did.

He felt her stiffen under his arm. He almost moved his arm back before she leaned into his side, resting her head on his chest. Now it was sherlock's turn to stiffen , wide eyed. Trying to act cool about it , he wrapped his arm tighter around her.

His eyelides turned heavy heavy as he relaxed more. Before closing his eyes he looked down at judith only to see her fast asleep on his chest. So he turned off the telly and closed his eyes , slowly drifting off to sleep.

A few hours later john amd mary walked through the door to sherlock's flat. That way the was they had found the doctor and the consulting detective , snuggling into judith on the sofa with his arms wrapped tightly around her as if she may leave at any second.

"Aww look there sooo cute" cooed mary , slapping johns arm lightly."quick take a picture I need the extra blackmail". John looked at her as if she was mental."oh dont pretend you dont want to either".

John sighed before giving in  to his wife's wishes amd taking his phone out of his pocket, takimg a picture of the sleeping couple.


The pair woke during the early morning hours when the sun started to shime through the windows. Slowly they both opened their eyes to look around. Neither of them seemed to notice that they were still cuddling on the sofa.

Both sat up , stretching like cats to try and wake up. Judith tirnrd her head to look at sherlock , laughing at him stretch.

"What time is it"

Sherlock raised his arm to look at his watch." Nearly 6" he answered , scratching his head.

"Damn it I'm going to be late for work" judith groaned , leanimg back into her seat." I really don't want to go".

"Then don't"

"Nah I have to plus I need to let my brother know I'm alive" judith said , looking at the fireplace.

"What are you looking at" sherlock asked following jer line of sight.

"The chef cooking on the fireplace.  Is this a regular occurrence?".

" no...... theres no one there judith". It was silent for a moment. Sherlock didn't know what to say so he settled on a simple " so what is he cooking".

Judith smiled softly at him, turning back to face the chef. "He thinks your an idiot and wonders if you've even seen a lasagna before".

Sherlock looked at the fireplace in mock offence " of course I have , I'm sherlock holmes". Earning a laugh from judith.

"I have to go" judith said walking towards the door , remembering that she had to go to work soon. Sherlock got up to open the door for her.


"What is it sherlock"

He scratched the back of his head before asking " can I have your phone call you".

Judith opened and closed her mouth silently teasing him by not giving him an answer straight away. She watched him squirm nervously.  She searched her pockets finding a pen. She reached for his arm , writing her number on the back of his hand with a wide smile. " here.....text me later then" she asked.

"I promise".

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