chapter 2

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"Yeah Sherlock"

"Tell me about Dr Judith Strange" sherlock orders. Looking at her in his chair with his hands in a prayer position. "She seems interesting".

Mary was stunned into silence. Both of them heard a mug break from the kitchen before john came running in.

" did you just as about a girl" john asked shocked , moving to stand by Mary. "Of all people you. Mr not my area".

" mmhhh yes. Mary do answer quickly please" Sherlock responded bored.

"H-how d-do you know about her. I never told you about her. I only told john".

" met her in st.Bart's , she was interesting. Kept talking to herself" Sherlock mused.

"Well obviously" Mary muttered looking at the floor. Sherlock lifted his head to look her in the eye. Mary took a breath before saying anything. "She's a paranoid schizophophrenic . she hallucinates people some times. Sherlocks eyes widened in surprise." Honestly she's like a mini you if you were a doctor" she chuckled.

"How is she even able to work in the hospital" john asked aloud.

"John she's different not stupid" Sherlock remarked defensively. He sat straighter in his chair." What else?".

"Uumm.....she hates working clinic hours , was born in London  and I think she's in her early 30s. That's all I know so far". Mary answered.

" wait , wait a minute Sherlock why do you care you only met her once" said john.

"Technically twice , and as I've said before she's interesting".

" or you just think she's pretty" Mary quipped , making john look at her in shock.

"Not my area"


Judith was tired. All day she had been in surgery with a patient to remove numerous tumors on his brain . it was stressful to say the least.

Not to mention that everyone kept thinking she would snap half way through since apparently it was leaked to the staff that she was a basket case.

She pushed her office door open to gather her things only to see someone in her office. He was looking around the room observing its contents. But as soon as he turned to face her she visibly relaxed.

"Good evening doctor strange"

"Hello Sherlock. If you don't mind me asking.....why are you here"

Sherlock paused nervously fidgeting on the spot."coffee?"

Judith smiles briefly at him. "Alright sounds good". Sherlock smiled in relief at her. " but it has to be literally anywhere but here".

"Very well then , let's go"


The pair were laughing loudly at a small table in a café near the hospital. They had been there for nearly two hours yet neither seemed to notice.

"Wait , you hallucinated Carl Marks once history class" Sherlock laughed.

"Oh yes , yes I did. Of all the people it had to be him. You should have seen the teachers face"

The looked at each other again only to erupt in laughter."your mad"

"Absolutely loony " she giggled leaning back in her chair taking. Their coffee had gone cold long ago."so what exactly is it you do. You definitely don't work in the morgue".

"I'm a consulting detective , only one in the world I invented the job" Sherlock smile.

"Must be nice. You can do the cases you like. Besides Scotland yard are a bunch of idiot's"

"Agreed , if you met Andersen and Donovan its a whole new level of stupid" sherlock retorts.

"Any good cases lately then"

"No sadly not. The criminal classes are all on holiday it seems"

"The eye of the storm" Judith teases leaning forward to rest her elbows on the table."you'll probably get a bunch of them soon".

" yes well , hopefully it doesn't last too long. The wall will be in bits"

"The wall " Judith questions , a confused expression on her face.

Sherlock froze. He didn't want to risk scaring her away . but hopefully she may find out anyway if she came to baker street some day."ah well I like to ....shoot it.... but only when I'm bored" he explained looking away from her embarrassed.

He turned back when he heard her laughing. She was in hysterics. "That actually sounds really fun" she giggled.

"I'll show you sometime" he answered shyly , scratching the back of his head.

"I can't wait".

Sherlock's phone rang loudly. Interrupting there brief staring contest. Sherlock grumbled when he saw the caller ID.

" you should take that" Judith told him as she saw his silently debating if he should answer of not."I'll get coffee refills".

As soon as she walked away to stand in line Sherlock answered the phone.
"What is it john I'm busy"

" doing what , where the bloody hell are you".

"I'm getting coffee"

" great , now tell me the truth Sherlock I'm worried mate".

"John i-"

"Here you go Sherlock" Judith said setting the coffee on the table. " thank you Judith"

"Judith" john screeched over the phone."your on a DATE"

"Bye john" sherlock said quickly hanging up the phone.

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