chapter 7

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Sherlock paced back and forth around the flat .Too nervous to call Judith , he can solve crime and fake his own death. Yet he couldn't call the woman he fancies , if only Moriarty could see him now.

John was sitting in his chair ,Mary sitting on the arm of it. Both trying to ignore sherlock , failing miserably.

"Oh for heavens sake sherlock , sit down and sit still , what's got in to you" john groaned as he slammed his newspaper on the table next to his. "Bloody hell" he muttered.

Mary slapped his arm "be nice john" she scolded. She turned to face sherlock with a smile "what's wrong pet".

" I'm not a pet I'm a grown man" sherlock retorted looking offended.

"Spill the beans sherlock" she warned "or else I'll knock over the tin".

Sherlock stopped his pacing , not wanting to feel the pain that the ex-assassin could inflict on him. He turned to look at her again , getting a slight warning glare in response.

John noticing the tension between his wife and his best friend " now why don't we all just calm d-".

"-don't make me count to three"


"I'm not a child"



"Two" she warns

Sherlock moved to walk behind his chair , using it a a barrier between him and the blond.

"Deep breath in and ou-"

"JOHN" they yelled in union

"I was just trying to help" he defended , shifting in his seat uncomfortably.

"Three" Mary said immediately drawing the attention back to sherlock much to john relief. "Tell us NOW".

Sherlock fidgeted with his hands behind his back. Mary inches closer causing sherlock to surrender. " fine , I want to call Judith".

"That's it" john deadpanned waving his arms around like a bird."all of that over nothing".

"John" Mary scolded


"He's nervous" she whispered.

"No I'm not" sherlock defended , now sitting in his chair with his arms cross stubbornly."I'm not"

"Then why won't you call her then scaredy cat" she mocked playfully nudging john.

"Just you watch" said sherlock taking out his phone annoyed , typing in the number and pressing call. "I'm calling her right now" he said proudly before realising what he was doing. "Oh god I'm calling her NOW" he panicked glaring at john and Mary.

The pair laughed loudly in their chair. John wrapped an arm around Mary's waist to stop her from falling off.

"I will get you back for this" he threatened.

"What'd I do this time"

Sherlock froze wondering how much she had heard."hey Jude" he said almost sounding confused. Making the two laugh harder.

"How's it going locky"

" fine , fine I was just wondering if......your busy at seven" he asked.

"He's like a teenager" Mary whispered to john , giggling madly. Sherlock threw a book at them as he continued talking.

" yeah actually I am. I just got off work as of , give me a minute I need to look at the clock. Yeah I was off 10 minutes ago".


"So where do you want to meet up"

"Umm I hadn't through of that.........baker street" he suggested.

"No" his friends said in union , wording sherlock. He was just about to offer another idea before she answered.

" sounds great to me , as long as you have some new experiments to show me"she joked.

"Are you sure" sherlock asked wearily. John and Mary leaned forward to hear the conversation.


"Splendid" said Sherlock happily as he ended the call.

"Date number three then?"john asked pleased to see his friend happy.

" yep" he answered still looking at his phone. "Now I just need to go the the morgue for supplies".

" WHAT!!"the asked in shock

"We're doing an experiment"

"How romantic" john sassed.

Judith walked through the door of her flat with a sigh. She had just got off a long shift and most of the people either refused to be treated by her or stared at her like a freak. But she loved her job and worked hard for it so she was staying no matter what.

"Pizza tonight?"  asked Eddie when he saw her

"No sorry , I have a date" she said hanging up her coat."I'm meeting him at seven ".

" sherlock? "


"So what you guys gonna do"

"An experiment"

"Shit seriously"

Judith got out of the cab excited to see sherlock. She even went back to the lab to get bloody fingers for him.

She knocked on the door three times. Hearing loud footsteps walking down the stairs. Sherlock was the one to open the door and by the look on his landlady's face it was unusual for him.

"Jude hello ,your early" he greeted

"Yeah sorry" she said "but I brought fingers" she held the bag up for him to see with a smile on her face.

"Excellent I brought a leg"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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