chapter 3

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After the coffee shop sherlock decided to walk Judith home so that he knew she would be safe.

He was talking about a few of his old cases to her as they walked.

"So the cabbie was the poisoner" he finished. " john called in a study in pink".

"Mary's husband?".

" yes"

"I didn't know he had a blog. Mary probably told me and I forgot".

Sherlock laughed loudly. " you must be the only person in London that didn't know about the blog. So what do you do".

Judith sighed , pausing to think about it." , read,paint sometimes" they walked up the steps of her apartment building. "I guess I don't really do much. What about you".

" science, cases,violin ,reading depending on the book really ". Judith turned to unlock the door to her apartment." Unless the wall counts as a hobby".

The two turned to face each other awkwardly when the door unlocked. Both not knowing what to do in this situation.

Until Judith finally decided to be brave. She stood on her tippy toes and kisses his cheek. " thanks for the coffee " she said quietly.

Sherlock blushed crimson " we should do it again" he blurts out before he lost his nerve. He shuddered in embarrassment, trying not to look away.

Judith froze. Thinking about the offer in her head repeatedly. Sherlock lost all hope after she didn't answer and started walking down the hallway. He was almost at the door when she realized he was leaving.

"I'd love to" she yelled down the hallway at him. He turned to look at her in surprise.

She smiled at him once more before shutting her apartment door.

Not knowing that she had just made a certain consulting detective very happy.


Sherlock walked through the door smiling to himself.

"So how'd it go"

Sherlock jumped in fright , turning around only to see Mary sitting at the kitchen table."how did y-".

"I know how to pick a lock, now spill the beans and tell me how your date went" teased Mary setting her tea the table.

"It wasn't a da-"

"I don't care now tell me how it went".

Sherlock looked around trying not to look at her. Anywhere but her." Sherlock "she warned.

" good okay , it went great"

"Aww" she cooed happily. " your all grown up". She pulled him into a tight huge much to his reluctance. "Did you asks her if she wanted to do it again. Please tell me you did".

Sherlock wiggled out of her embrace to sit in his chair." Yes if you must know I did" he answered slightly proud of himself.

"Oohhh I can't wait to tell john" Mary clapped excitedly. Sitting down in johns chair."so when are you meeting up again"

"Damn it"

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