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ALEX STANDS UP. Her eyes glow blue. "Armis." Her outfit transforms into a black full body suit. The suit has no sleeves. The suit has silver Wonder Woman looking metal pieces on the chest and as a belt. She had black no finger gloves and silver cuffs. A mask covered her mouth and nose.
Hayden widens her eyes. "Damn. You look badass."
Alex laughs and lowers the mask. "It's my armor."
Theo raises an eyebrow. "What about your hair?"
  "Oh right." She runs her fingers over her forehead and a tiara appears. She runs her fingers over her hair and it becomes a braid.
  Liam raises an eyebrow. "Weapons."
  "I'll have them," she explains.
  Theo stands and gives her a hug. "Be safe. I don't want you to die again."
  She exhales slowly. "I'll be fine." Her eyes glow blue and she lifts her mask and arms up. "Aperire ostium." A white portal opens. "Into the mouth of the beast," she mummers. She walks in and the portal closes behind her.
  Theo turns to the others. "Now, I guess, we wait."


  Alex walks on Titan.
  "I'm sorry." Is the first thing she hears. She turns to see Tony Stark and a blue woman.
  "Hello?" She calls.
  Tony jumps up and turns to her. "Who the hell are you?"
  "Someone who is here to help." She approaches them carefully. "Thanos kinda killed your friends, right."
  "That's a soft way of putting it," he spits.
  Alex sighs. "Okay. I'm here to-" she gets interrupted by a sharp pain. She grabs her stomach as she gasps.
Nebula grabs her. "What is wrong with you?"
Alex gasps. "Thanos made an imbalance in the universe. It hurts like a bitch, but it only lasts a minute. It must've been the snap. Before it was just the anticipation." She breaths heavily until the pain stops. She stands up straight and Nebula lets go of her. "That's why I'm here. To stop him."
Tony scoffs. "To late for that."
"It's never to late." She walks a little bit away from them. Her eyes flash blue as her fangs grow. "THANOS," She roars.
Tony and Nebula are shocked at the volume of her voice.
Only ten seconds pass before Thanos appears in front of her. "How have you called me child?"
"Don't call me child," she growls. She gets in a defensive position and swords appear in her hands
He chuckles. "What will you do?"
She smirks under the mask. "Go ahead, underestimate me."
He sighs. "I don't have time for this." He snaps his fingers, expecting her to disappear. When she doesn't he looks at her in fear.
She laughs. "You will never be a god." She charges at him. Swiftly, with the sword in her left hand, she cuts of his arm. She than spins and beheads him with the sword in her right hand. The swords disappear as she walks to the gauntlet, still on his arm. "That wasn't that hard." She grab the gauntlet off his arm and puts it on. She snaps and everyone begins to reappear. Tony hugs Peter so tight, he almost suffocates the teen.
  Tony comes up to her, baffled. "How did you-"
  She cuts him off. "It's my job."
  Dr. Strange appears and looks at her. "Who are you?"
  Tony turns to him confused. "Didn't you say this was the only way?"
  Strange looks at her. "I didn't see her."
  Alex rolls her eyes. "Of course you didn't. You aren't supposed to." She takes off the gauntlet and hands it to Strange. "Make sure they go where they are supposed to."
She raises her arm and her eyes flash blue. "Aperire ostium." The portal opens again and she walks into it, it closing behind her.
  Tony looks to Strange. "Who the hell was that?"
  Strange shrugs. "I do not know, but, be glad that she is gone. If she was able to kill Thanos so easily, than she is extremely dangerous."


  Alex appears in the living room.
  Stiles turns around. "You're back already?"
  She nods. "Somnus vestimenta sua." Her armor turns into sweat pants and a tee-shirt as she yawns. "I'm so tired."
  Stiles wines. "Wait, no. Talk to us."
  Alex rolls her eyes and sits down next to Devon, leaning on him. "I saw Iron Man and this blue woman. Called Thanos and killed him."
  Stiles raises an eyebrow. "That's it?"
  She nods. "That's it."
  Stiles groans. "That's boring. I want to meet the avengers. That'll be so cool."
  She smiles sleepily. "Tomorrow." She quickly falls asleep on Devon.


She's woken up by Stiles. "Alex come on I wanna go to the marvel universe."
She opens her eyes and gives him an annoyed look.
She sighs and stands. "Fine, just let me get dressed and make sure the others are ready."
Stiles nods and walks out, barely containing his excitement.
Alex quickly gets dress and walks downstairs to see the whole pack up and excited to go to the marvel universe. Alex rolls her eyes and opens a portal. They walk through.
They walk into a large house in Queens.
Scott looks around. "Cool."
Alex sighs. "Feel free to look around and if you want, I'm gonna enroll some of us into the school Spider-Man goes to, but you have to be smart. Who wants to come?"
Theo, Stiles, and Gabe raise their hands.
"I'm down," Gabe shrugs.
Stiles is practically buzzing with excitement. "This is awesome. I'm gonna go unpack." He races upstairs.
Alex turns to Derek. "I think you should make sure your boyfriend doesn't hurt himself."
Derek chuckles. "Knowing Stiles, he already has." He walks upstairs as well.
Alex clasps her hands. "Everyone, go claim rooms." She shoos them off, leaving her and Devon. She makes sure no one is listening. She turns to Devon and lowers her voice. "You need to tell him."
Devon sighs. "I'll tell him eventually. But, until then. You say nothing."
Alex nods. "Alright Fine." She walks off.

A/N— what's up everyone! Third book and I finally have faces for Devon and Alex.
On a completely unrelated note, if you all love Spider-Man. You should read Cool Kids it's an awesome book.
It's also gay. Which is awesome. Go read it!

 Go read it!

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