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  "WE'RE LOCKED OUT." She stands up and closes the portal.
  Stiles' eyes widen. "Say what now?"
  "We are locked out," she repeats. "Someone on the other side is powerful enough to keep me here."
  Theo walks up. "Wait, so we are stuck here, not just locked out of our world." She nods. He slowly turns to Stiles and points at him. "This is your fault."
  "What?!" Stiles squawked.
  "When Hades came and talked to Alex about the Marvel universe, you were so excited that the next day you dragged our asses here!" Theo pointed out. "Than you dragged us to school and this stupid trip!"
  "Theo!" Alex calls.
  "What!" He yells.
  "First of all don't you dare yell at me and second of all, shouldn't we make sure the pack is okay?" She says.
  Gabe walks up to them. "I already called Nolan, they're fine."
  The men start to wake up, they don't notice.
  "Are we gonna ignore the fact that Peter is Spider-Man?" Flash says.
  Peter turns to him. "Yes."
  "Heads up!" Steve calls, as he sees the men charging at them.
  Alex turns around with wide eyes. "Egnahc rieht sehtolc otni sgnidnib." All of their jackets wrap around them, preventing them from moving. They fall.
  "Why didn't you do that in the first place?"
  Alex shrugs. "Didn't think of it."
  "I'm going to kill you all when I get out of this," one of the men threatens.
  Alex rolls her eyes. "Gag mih." A piece of cloth covers his mouth.
  Peter raises an eyebrow. "Can you explain what's happening?"
Alex nods and they all sit down. "It's really long story so I'm just gonna, somehow shorten it. I'm around 8,000 years old and immortal. All of us are in a pack. Scott is the alpha and he's a werewolf. Liam is Scott's beta, also a werewolf. Stiles is a fox, mix of kitsune, nogitsune, and werefox. He's immortal as well. Gabe is a vampire. Mason and Nolan are both human. Lydia is a banshee, so she predicts death and certain events. Malia is a werecoyote, very similar to werewolf, just faster. Derek is a werewolf. Issac is a werewolf. Corey is a chimera, created by the Dread Doctors," Theo shivers at the mention of the Doctors, "he can camouflage. Hayden is a werewolf. My brother, Devon, is a demigod, son of Zeus. And Theo, is complicated. We are from a different universe."
  Cap furrows his brows. "Why is Theo complicated?"
  "Because," Theo starts, "apparently, I'm Devon's son. But, I'm also a chimera. Werewolf and werecoyote. So we don't really understand."
  "Is that why you wanted revenge on her?" Loki asks, understanding his anger. He nods. Loki turns to Alex. "Why didn't you tell him?"
  Alex sighs. "It was not my choice. Devon is my brother. He is practically my son. I raised him because our mother wouldn't."
  "He tortured me," Theo argues.
  "That's why he didn't want to tell you," Alex says.
  Theo is taken aback. "What?"
  "He never wanted a child because he knew he could never raise one," Alex explains. "He didn't want to be like our mother. And, because he tortured you and took his anger out on you, he was already worse than her."
  "Oh," Theo breathes.
Stiles lets out an awkward laugh. "That's great. Well," he turns to the others, "any questions?"
Hands go up. Cap asks a question. "What is your world like?"
Alex smiles softly. "It's not very different. They only real difference is that you all don't really exist. Your doppelgängers do. And they are all actors. Aliens aren't around, they're there, but there is no contact. And the supernatural exist."
Alex calls on Cindy. "You say you're 8,000 years old, have you meet king or queens before?"
Alex chuckles. "Of course I have. I have ruled over a few empires. I knew Hatshepsut. I was her close friend." She smirks.
Theo gags. "Gross. You're like my grandmother."
She rolls her eyes. "I'm your aunt."
"Um, not to be rude," they all turn to a man on the floor, "but, I want to go home to my family. I was only here because my brother dragged me into this so," he drifts off.
Alex stands. "I'm locked in this universe. I can not bring you home. Esaeler siht nam."
His jacket unties him and he stands. "What do you mean?"
"Nepo a rood emoh." A portal opens. She approaches it and knocks on it. It sound like a glass window. "There is a barrier." She turns to him. "Do you know anything about this?"
He cautiously approaches the portal. He shakes his head. "No." Realization crosses his face.
"What?" Alex asks.
"They kidnapped some witch." He sighs. "She's just a child. I overheard people talking about how powerful she was. That's probably how they are keeping you here."
Alex sighs. "Esolc eht rood." The portal closes. "A spell like that, no matter how powerful she is, it'll kill her." The man looks down, guilt overwhelming him. She looks at him sympathetic. "What is your name?"
He looks up, surprised. "Jason."
Alex smiles softly. "How many people do you have in your family?"
He sighs. "I have a daughter. I'm a single father. Right now, my brother should be watching her but," he rubs his face, "I don't know how much I trust him with her. If he helped kidnap this young girl, witch or not, how can I trust him. What if my daughter somehow became a werewolf? He'd kill her." He starts pacing, his heart racing.
  Alex grips his shoulders to stop him from pacing. "Relax. I'm sure your daughter is fine."
  "How do you know?" He asks. "Do you even have a child?"
  Alex shakes her head. "No, but I have a younger brother, who I raised and," she looks to Theo, "a nephew." She turns back to Jason. "I cannot have my own children." She lets go of him.
  "You aren't the monster they say you are," he says.
  She shakes her head. She points to the pack. "They aren't, but I am. And I cannot change that."
  He furrows his brows. "You don't look like a monster."
  "I'll tell you a secret, Jason," she starts. "The really bad monsters never look like monsters. And plenty of monsters know how to play human." She shrugs. "Like Monroe. And myself, a while ago."
  "You don't seem like a monster anymore," he confesses.
  She shrugs. "Once a monster, always a monster." She clasps her hands and turns to the pack. "Okay, what do we do now?"
  Theo shrugs. "Figure out a way to break the spell."
  She inhales sharply. "That's gonna be difficult."
  Natasha raises an eyebrow. "Why?"
  "Any spell I can think of, will kill the girl," Alex admits. "This witch is just a child. She is being forced to keep me here. It's already killing her slowly. It's like smoking. Except faster."
  "I'm a magic user, maybe I can help," Loki suggests.
  Alex nods slowly. "Okay, if we are starting now, we could use all the help we can get. Stiles, Theo, Loki, myself, and Devon."
  Loki nods. "Call your brother, and the tour over here can continue."
  Bucky chuckles. "I think everyone would be much more interested watching you guys."
  Alex shrugs. "I guess it doesn't matter." She puts the phone to her ear and walks away. She comes back, ending the call. "Devon will be here in a minute." Devon appears. "Or, a few seconds."
He sits down. "I'm here. What's up?"
Alex rolls her eyes. "We need to break a spell."
"Get your dumb book," he says.
She sits. "It isn't a dumb book. Gnirb ym eriomirg." An old book appears in her hand.
Loki raises an eyebrow. "What is that?"
"My Grimoire." She opens it.
Loki leans over. "What language is that?"
Alex shrugs. "It has no name. All record of it is gone. Not many humans used it. My mother created it. Most of my other books are written in early languages. Like Sumerian. First recorded written language." Her eyes flash blue. "Etalsnart Ot hsilgne." The text changes to English.
"How many languages do you know?" Natasha asks.
"All of them," Alex answers without looking up.
"ты умеешь говорить на русском?" She questions.
"Yes, I can speak Russian," Alex says. "I speak to Devon in Greek a lot."
Devon nods. "She does." He leans forward. "What kind of spell do we need to break?"
"An entrapment curse." She skims the pages. "I thinks I'm gonna try something small." She stands up. "Nepo eht rood." The portal opens. She takes a deep breath.  Her eyes glow as she raises her arms. "Kaerb eht reirrab." Blue light comes out of her hands and surrounds the portal, attempting to break the barrier. The light dissipates as Alex stands, her eyes fading to their normal color. "That did nothing."
  "Why don't you try a Latin spell?" Devon suggests. "They're stronger."
  Alex nods slowly. "Obice praevaricator." The barrier cracks slightly.
  Devon rolls his eyes. "Change the wording. You keep saying 'break the barrier.' Why don't you say poison whoever is keeping me here? You're holding back." He tilts his head. "Why?"
  Alex walks to the table. "Because the person who is keeping me here is being forced to by hunters. She is just a child. The spell is already killing her."
  Stiles take the book, skimming the pages. He stops. "You can lend her your power."
  Alex furrows her brows. "What?"
  "Why would she do that?" Devon questions.
  "Because," he turns the book to them, "if you do, she will be stronger and can escape, effectively breaking the curse."
  Alex nods slowly. "Alright. We'll try it." She closes the portal. She turns to Devon. "Go and get the potion necessary." Devon nods and stands, disappearing. He comes back minutes later, handing Alex a vial with a white liquid. She pops the cap and chugs it. She gags. "That's awful." She coughs.
  Devon raises an eyebrow. "You good?"
  She nods. "Yeah. Just-" she coughs again, "-it's disgusting." She clears her throat. "Okay. I got this." She lifts her arms to her sides slightly and closes her eyes.
  Devon turns to the others and whispers, "We have to be very quiet or she'll lose concentration."
  Her veins turn black, similar when they take someone's pain. Her brows are furrowed. Her breathing picks up considerably. Her eyes snap open and she grabs her head, falling to the floor in pain.
  Devon runs to her. "Are you okay?"
  Alex shuts her eyes and shakes her head. "Psychic attack," she manages to say between breaths.
  Devon grabs her head and mutters words the others can't hear. Alex relaxes and leans on him trying to catch her breath.
  Tony raises an eyebrow. "What the hell just happened?"
  Devon looks up, worry etched across his features. "They have a witch on their side. One who wants Alex here. One working with them willingly."
  Realization crosses Theo's face. "These aren't just hunters anymore."
  Devon nod. "It's so much more."
  "That's is," Stiles starts, "we're going back the house. Full on pack meeting. We have to deal with the next big bad."
  Loki raises an eyebrow. "What were the others?"
  Stiles raises his hand to count on his fingers. "Peter, who turned Scott and wanted him to kill us. Kanima and Gerard, the Kanima was killing people under the instruction of this kid, then Gerard killed the kid and tried to kill us. The Alpha pack and the Darach, who wanted us dead. The Nogitsune, who possessed me before I became what I am who used me to kill Allison and Aiden and almost killed me. We were all on a deadpool, we had assassins trying to kill us left and right. Also had the berserkers. Then the Dread Doctors and Theo, Theo almost ripped our pack apart and momentarily killed Scott. Then the Dread Doctors created the Beast. It killed many people and almost killed more. Also, Malias mom tried to kill me and her. Then after the beast, Theo got sent to hell by the skin walkers/Kira." Theo shivers at that. "Then the Ghost Riders. I got taken and no one remembered me. Then Liam broke Theo out of hell. This asshat, Mr. Douglass tried to kill all of us. Then I left for Quantico for school. They had to deal with a full town turning on them in fear because of the anuk-ite. Multiple werewolves were killed. Brett and Lori for example. Satomis entire pack. Scott almost died. He literally clawed his own eyes out because if he looked at the anuk-ite he would've turned to stone. He almost didn't heal. Then I found out I had powers and couldn't go back to school. Then we met Alex and went to Australia. Met some mermaids. Then Monroe and a warlock tried to take Alex's power and in doing so killed themselves. They used that," he points to the spear, "spear over there to do it. Alex was dead for four hours. She woke up and had a soul and unlocked her full power, which meant that she had to keep balance in the multiverse and now we are here."
  Everyone is silent.
  Devon breaks it. "Alright, let's go back to the house." He teleports then all to the house.
  Tony turns to Peter. "I have a mission for you, keep tabs on them."
  Peter nods. "I will."

A/N— Another 2000-ish word chapter.
What is the new big bad and how will the pack defeat it?

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